3rd 'Continental Congress' to Assemble 'Patriots' in Philadelphia
Organizers call for independence from 'the despots and tyrants' controlling 'body politic'
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By WND Staff
June 29, 2021
It was a remote and controlling government that was demanding new taxes — on tea and more — and insisting on a subservience that included providing housing and food for an occupying force that triggered the famed Boston Tea Party.

But those colonists didn't stop there. Next, in September of 1774, representatives from 12 of America's original 13 colonies met in the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia's Carpenters' Hall, and they insisted that the king of England back off, enforcing their demands with a boycott of British trade and goods.

And then, forced to meet yet again, they launched the beginnings of a military and eventually, on July 4, 1776, declared independence from Britain.

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