Since the SPLC and American University's Polarization and Extremism
Research and Innovation Lab (PERIL) first released the
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Parents & Caregivers Guide to Online Radicalization in June 2020,
the United States has experienced much political, social and economic
Massive disinformation campaigns around the presidential election gave
way to the January 6 Capitol insurrection and pushed the Biden
administration to recently assert that white supremacist and
antigovernment extremism are the "two most lethal elements of
today's domestic terrorism threat." This all happened
against the backdrop of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which has had
an outsized impact on communities of color.
It is with these events in mind that the SPLC and PERIL have updated
our guide to confronting and building resilience to online
radicalization. To make this information even more responsive to the
needs of adults working with young people, we've also developed
resources for coaches, mental health professionals and educators.
Additionally, to bolster caregivers' understanding of
radicalization and extremism, we've published three supplemental
inserts discussing behaviors, ideologies and current events that
necessitate heightened awareness. Those include: Male Supremacist
Extremism & Gender-Based Violence; Migration, Conflict, &
Ecological Crisis; and Elections and Moments of National Stress and
You can view and share the updated guide for free here.
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Thank you for your continued dedication to rooting out violent
In solidarity,
Your friends at the Southern Poverty Law Center
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