Our rebels are facing charges

Help with legal fees

Dear Rebel,

The brave XR folk being arrested right now in London need our help with their legal costs.

More than 1,100 have now been taken from the capital’s streets this week, offering up their liberty for the future of our fragile planet.

And over a thousand more who were arrested during the April Rebellion are systematically being charged and hauled in front of the courts. Please support our rebels now:

Help with legal fees

As our fellow rebels take their message into the courtrooms, we need to support them as much as we can.

The legal bill for the April defendants alone is estimated at over £750,000. To date our combined XR legal fundraising has generated £250,000. An incredible amount, but not yet enough.

And this is a battle we cannot lose.

Help with legal fees

If you've already donated, you’ve done an amazing thing. Please help some more by sharing this email, and the crowdfunder link. Ask others to follow your lead, and lend a vital helping hand to the XR arrestees.

With love and rage!

XR Legal Support

Dear rebels, please be aware that the existence of this XR legal fundraiser does not mean that all your legal fees will be paid. Please don’t take any action, in the courts or on the streets, without first being clear about this. To explain, the current combined solicitors’ fees faced by those arrested during the April Rebellion alone are estimated at over £750,000, so any funds you might receive will likely only cover a proportion of your total legal bill. These funds are also not to be used to pay court-issued fines or court costs, only solicitors’ fees, and can be applied for once your legal proceedings have concluded. Details of how to make an application for a share of the fund will be released shortly after the October Rebellion. Stay strong! XR Legal Support

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