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This Friday, July 2nd, is a day of balance — it’s the midpoint of the year, where there are 182 days behind us and 182 days still ahead.

For many of us, this year has meant continuing to brace ourselves from shifts that the pandemic brought with it, both in the wider movement to end sexual violence and in our lives as advocates working within it. Looking ahead to the second part of 2021, we can reestablish balance and bring fresh energy into our days by experimenting with new approaches to advocacy work.

That’s why we wanted to share ways that tech — such as apps, mobile devices, and online resources — can bring balance to your work day. In a new blog, we recommend tools for advocates to explore and suggest how to mindfully engage with tech in a way that feels empowering rather than depleting. Read how you can Find Balance in Advocacy Workflow Through Tech.


Within the blog, you’ll find recommendations on advocacy-centered podcasts, easy ways to access the latest research, and suggestions on how you can slow down from the information overload that comes with connecting online. If you’re feeling Zoom fatigue or burnt out from looking at a screen all day, these tips can help you continue doing advocacy in a way that works for you. We've also compiled quick links to advocacy-centered podcasts and other online tools for easy access at the bottom of the blog.

A balanced workflow will look different to everyone — but by finding what it means to you, you’re not only deepening your connection to the issue but also defining the future of what it means to engage with this work as an advocate. Hopefully, these ideas give you some fresh ways to look at your workday and also highlight some of the resources and tools that NSVRC has to support advocates.

In solidarity,


P.S. NSVRC's library collection recently hit a milestone — 50,000 unique titles on sexual violence prevention! Join us in marking the occasion by checking out the online library catalog today.

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National Sexual Violence Resource Center © Jun 29, 2021 1:25:46 PM All rights reserved.
 Founded by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape
This project is supported by Grant / Cooperative Agreement No. 1UF2CE002359-05 from
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors
and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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