
Dear Friend,


Everyone deserves a job where they are safe and can work with dignity and respect. That is why we are fighting Amazon’s system of surveillance that is used to discipline, abuse, injure, and exploit workers.


Recent investigations confirm the dangers that Amazon poses to workers’ health and safety--revealing that Amazon’s surveillance system injures workers at rates nearly double industry average, with more than 24,000 serious injuries in warehouses last year. Join us to tell Congress: protect workers from Amazon’s dangerous surveillance practices.

Amazon has repeatedly used surveillance data to retaliate against workers who speak out and organize—particularly Black workers who spoke out to protect their colleagues and communities during the pandemic. Our recent report has shown Amazon's rapid expansion in New York already threatens and punishes an increasing number of New Yorkers working at Amazon.


Amazon engineered a punishing system to increase workers’ speed or rate and control their physical movements in increments of seconds, a metric called time off task (TOT). Rate/TOT determines if there are enough seconds to use the bathroom, for handwashing per COVID-19 guidelines, or for workers to practice social distancing on their way to fulfill an order. Tell Congress to take action now.

Only Congress can protect worker health and safety by guarding against exploitative business models, protecting workers from new forms of tech-driven racial discrimination, and incentivizing innovation that enhances worker well-being. We must end Amazon’s harmful, dangerous workplace surveillance practices.

In solidarity,

Maritza Silva-Farrell

Executive Director