In this issue: National Park review | Countryside Clean-up | No to new roads | Green Belts


Dear John

Many of us have early memories of spending time in the countryside and making our first connection with it. Some of us spent our childhoods there. These evocative memories follow us through life – and underpin many people’s love for countryside and nature.

But not everyone gets the chance to visit our most iconic countryside: especially our National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs).

Throughout this year, we’ve been making the case for all young people, wherever they live, to have an opportunity to visit these beautiful parts of the country.

Now an independent review of National Parks and AONBs has been published and the impact of our work is there to see: many of our recommendations have been adopted, including an ambition for every child to visit a National Park or AONB!

Find out how we’ve helped influence the future of these landscapes.

Find out more

Countryside clean-up


September was our month of Green Clean action to clean up our countryside.

Our dedicated litter-busting volunteers collected thousands of bottles and cans from 32 countryside locations across England – a huge achievement!

If we had an all-in deposit return system, these bottles and cans would have been captured for recycling, rather than being discarded and polluting our green spaces and harming wildlife.

We’re still collecting the data and analysing the results, but so far, the trends are clear: a huge number of bottles and cans of all sizes are ending up as litter.

We’ll be using this data to support our calls for a deposit return system that could capture as many cans and bottles as possible – one that takes all sizes and all materials. Watch this space.

Roads to nowhere


We’re in the midst of a climate emergency. That’s why we’ve strongly criticised the government’s decision to go ahead with a significant £25 billion investment in new roads.

Climate change is the biggest threat facing the countryside and better public transport in rural areas is the best way to keep cars off the road and emissions out of the atmosphere – not building new roads.

Space to breathe


A heads-up for you – we’re releasing our latest report on our Green Belts – ‘A space to breathe’ – this coming Monday. It’s brand new research on the amount of development taking place in our Green Belts, and why we should instead be investing to enhance them for future generations.

Look out for it on Monday, and don’t forget to share it on social media.

Thanks for supporting our work and helping to make the countryside even better.

Best wishes,

Calum McGregor

Digital Engagement Officer | CPRE, the countryside charity

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