Last week, we saw what we can achieve when ordinary citizens get involved in our democracy. All 50 Democratic senators voted to advance voting rights legislation and push back against the wave of voter suppression laws sweeping the country. But we also saw a Republican Party continue blocking reforms supported by the vast majority of Americans in order to retain their own power. The right to vote is the foundation of our democracy. It’s a bedrock value that we as Americans take pride in. Yet in the aftermath of an insurrection, with our democracy on the line, Republicans have refused to even debate a bill about voting in America. That’s unacceptable. And that’s where you come in.
Democracy shouldn’t be about keeping people out -- it should be about bringing everyone into the fold and ensuring we have a representative, vibrant democracy where every voice is heard, every vote matters, and every vote is counted. But institutional barriers that not only discourage people from voting, but also prevent those votes from translating into action, have made our political system more extreme and prevented compromise. These rules and reforms we’re talking about -- gerrymandering, voter suppression, money in politics -- may seem like points of process. But they have everything to do with issues that will determine whether we’re able to create an economy that works for everyone or build a future where our kids have the opportunity to succeed. We must continue advocating for strong democracy reforms on the federal level while also working at the state and local level to expand access to our political system. Investing in All On The Line’s work is one way you can do that today.
We must keep the faith that activism will prevail over cynicism,
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund.