We're hosting a big debate on Monday night between David Horgan of Petrel Resources, well know media commentator [1], and Mark Campanale and Kingsmill Bond from Carbon Tracker, a London based think-tank [2].
The Future of Gas in a Carbon Constrained World
David Horgan, Petrel Resources, nominated by the Irish Offshore Operators' Association
Mark Camapanale and Kingsmill Bond, Carbon Tracker Initiative
chaired by
Philip Boucher Hayes, RTE Broadcaster
The Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson St, Dublin 2
(beside the Mansion House)
Monday 14th October from 7pm until 8.30pm
Book your seat for The Great Gas Debate!
Carbon Tracker are the people behind the numbers in Bill McKibben's legendary Rolling Stone article 'Global Warming's Terrifying New Math' [3]. It's the article that sparked the "Keep it the Ground" and fossil fuel divestment movements.
Given Leo Varadkar's recent pledge at the UN to end oil exploration in Irish waters but continue looking for new gas [4], and last week's uproar about importing fracked gas into Ireland, this promises to be a lively debate!
Tickets are free but they are already going quickly, so do book your ringside seat now.
[1] David Horgan came to prominence as a vocal opponent of the 2003 Iraq War and has remained a frequent media contributor on energy and geopolitics ever since.