As we write this, our petition to Merrick Garland calling on the
Department of Justice to purge white supremacist cops from our nation’s
police forces, just like Department of Defense plans to do in the U.S.
Military, is only 4,917 signers away from 50,000!
We need to hit this goal -- and hopefully exceed it! -- before our
partners at the National Campaign for Transit Justice plan to deliver
the petition at the end of the week. [ [link removed] ]Please add your name right now!
ADD YOUR NAME: [link removed]
You can check out Tre's message from a few days ago for more info on the
campaign below. Thank you for taking action today! - The DFA Team
President Biden has made ending systemic racism and eliminating internal
bias from government the cornerstone of his quest to build a truly
multiracial and inclusive America.
While Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has vowed to root out white
supremacy and right-wing radicalism in the ranks of the D.O.D., saying
"the job of the Department of Defense is to keep America safe from our
enemies, but we can’t do that if some of those enemies lie within our own
ranks," the Department of Justice has not made that commitment.
White supremacist cops are an active threat to people of color and by
definition cannot be trusted to protect and serve all individuals equally
and without prejudice.
[ [link removed] ]We're calling on U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to join the rest
of the Biden administration in taking on the serious threat of white
supremacist violence in America by purging white supremacist cops from our
nation’s police forces now!
ADD YOUR NAME: [link removed]
Police officers deal directly with the public day after day. It's not just
street cops either, officers serve at our public airports, bus depots and
train stations. There are cops in our public schools, national parks and
on federal property, like the U.S. Capitol in Washington DC.
In other words, police in America are ubiquitous and kicking white
supremacists out of these positions of power is critical to keeping
Americans safe, particularly at a time when our nation grapples with
police violence against people of color.
Perhaps most importantly, this is an action that the Biden administration
can take without the need for congressional action.
[ [link removed] ]Sign the petition to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to
immediately take on the serious threat that white supremacist violence
poses to the safety of our communities and purge white supremacists from
police forces across the country.
Thank you for taking action today to keep our communities safe.
In solidarity,
— Tre
Tre Graves
Campaign Organizer
Democracy for America
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