From Jim Himes <[email protected]>
Subject John, CT Dems need your help before June ends
Date June 29, 2021 3:10 PM
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John, tens of millions
of American voters believe the lies that Republicans have spread
about election fraud over the last year — this is a dangerous

It means voter outreach is more important than ever, and it’s why
the Connecticut Democratic Party needs your help before their
quarterly fundraising deadline.

They need to raise $20,000 before midnight on June 30th, and
right now they’re still short — can you chip in
right now to help them catch up? (
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your donation will process immediately:

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The GOP is pushing voting restriction bills in 48 states, and
already this year they’ve passed new voter suppression laws in
Georgia and Florida.

John, the Connecticut
Democratic Party’s work organizing across our state is our first
line of defense against the GOP’s national voter suppression

If you can, please chip in to support Connecticut Democrats ahead
of their quarterly fundraising deadline. Any amount that you can
give will play a critical role in defending our Democratic
majorities in the upcoming midterm elections. (
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Thanks for stepping up!

— Congressman Jim Himes
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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