Dear John,

I’m writing you today with a message of deep concern for the future of our great state of Texas.

Frankly, I have never witnessed an all-out assault on our faith communities and our First Amendment freedoms like the one we are experiencing right now.

Power-hungry government officials are exploiting this volatile and fragile moment in our country to single out and attack religious freedom wherever possible—at a time when the church and people of faith are needed most. And the effects of this overreach are chilling. All the while, the Texas Values team has not stopped ensuring that we fight to protect your rights to practice your faith!

The Freedom to Worship Act, as well as multiple other bills, were signed into law and now ensure the government is not overstepping its own authority, closing down and shutting the doors of places of worship and churches in Texas! This ensures that Christians can practice and follow their faith in Texas, whenever the government is trying to stop it!

We're hoping you will join us and rise to the challenge right now, John.


With your timely gift today, we will stop the enemies of religious liberty from achieving their vision of a Godless and faithless Texas. Reclaiming our state’s foundational religious freedoms.

Let’s put out this fire together. Let's continue to let them know #ChurchesAreEssential!

Double YourSupport For Texas Values

We refused to stand by and watch such an atrocity happen. This will not happen again. Not on our watch! And with your support, we were able to make that happen! That is why we are reaching back out to your today. We are continuing our work, protecting and defending religious freedom from coming under attack. Your gifts allowed us to continue our work around the state educating and helping churches, pastors, and every Christian. Thanks to some of our generous supporters, we have a matching grant in place to help double your support before midnight June 30th! 

DOUBLE Your Tax-Deductible Gift

We need you to join us on the frontlines to help lead our state back to our first liberty and ensuring people of faith are protected in Texas.

Will you go All-In with us today to overcome this All-Out assault on our faith and freedom?

The need is urgent. Every day, we are flooded with calls and emails asking for help. Our resources are being challenged like never before. We’re counting on the support of faithful friends like you to help us score more crucial victories for our faith communities.

Thank You, 

Jonathan Covey, Policy Director
Mary Elizabeth Castle, Policy Analyst
Greg McCarthy, Policy Associate


900 Congress Ave. Suite 220 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.

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