We’re so grateful to all of the readers who have stepped up to support our independent journalism. Tomorrow is the last day of the campaign, and we’re $2,787 away from our goal of $10,000. This is the last chance to have your gift matched and go twice as far to help us produce fact-checked, thoughtful stories like the ones in this newsletter, available to the public for free.
We know that not everyone can give, but if you’re invested in the people of our region getting critical information to help solve the problems of their lives, and able to offer financial support, now is a great time to show that our journalism matters to you. Please consider making a gift of any amount before this opportunity ends.
Thank you to those who became supporters of PublicSource's journalism June 22-28: Amparo, Angelo, Anna, Arlene, Barbara Ba., Barbara Br., Barbara H., Brian, Carol, Catherine, Claire, Daniel, David B., David L., Elizabeth S., Elizabeth U., Ellen, Ethan, James, Janine, Jeannette, Jeff, Joan, John, Jon, Karen, Katherine M., Katherine P., Kathryn, Laura, Lois, Marguerite, Maria, Mark, Michael, Monica, Monique, Mulugetta, Nathan, Nina, Pat, Patricia, Paul, Preston, Richard L., Richard V., Roberta, Sandra, Susan E., Susan S., Sterling, Teresa and Virginia. Join them by giving today!