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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

HMS Defender Versus The Russian Military: The Danger of Believing Your Own Propaganda

Ron Paul, MD

Falsehood Rules

James Howard Kunstler

Private Cannon Ownership in Early America

Robert E. Wright

Warmongering British Actions in the Black Sea

Craig Murray

The Blockbuster Movie Called Reality

Jon Rappoport

Lisbon Court Rules That Only 0.9% of ‘Verified Cases’ Attributed To Covid in Portugal Actually Died of It

Thomas Lifson

An Antidote to Political Correctness in Schools: Just Walk Away

Patrick Barron

America’s Social Order Is Unraveling

Charles Hugh Smith

The American Republikflucht

Jeff Thomas

How To Survive a Summer Power Outage

Daisy Luther

The Iron Fist Is in Place: Azerbaijan’s War. An Historical Parallel

Rick Rozoff

Pandemic Virus Industrial Complex Is World’s Greatest Threat

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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