Republicans are doing everything they can to make sure the American people forget about January 6. It's why they blocked an investigative commission into the Capitol riot, and why so many prominent Republicans are now saying it was actually a “peaceful protest.”
But Speaker Nancy Pelosi isn't going to let the GOP rewrite history. She's now exploring a Democrat-led commission into the insurrection.
New details from an FBI report show that Trump supporters were talking openly in the days before the January 6 riot about bringing guns to the Capitol to start a “revolution.” The Justice Department has confirmed that leaders from white supremacist groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers worked in unison to invade the Capitol.
This was a planned insurrection, and without proper investigation there could be further political violence.
Today, we want to make it clear to lawmakers in Washington that the American people stand behind Speaker Pelosi's accountability efforts, and we need to hear from you.
John, let us know:
Do you stand with Speaker Pelosi's attempts to establish a January 6 commission?
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