Aloha John,

This week is important...

Hawai'i Republicans are putting everything they have into turning our state red.

Unfortunately, that is a very expensive proposition.

Next week, we have to close the books on the second quarter of 2021 and with it, our fundraising benchmarks.  

Right now, we are still about 250 donors short with around $3,500 left to go by MIDNIGHT on June 30th!

I am personally asking for your support to CRUSH our goal with the Hawai'i End of Quarter Money Bomb:

Help Make Our 250 Donor Goal
Help Make Our $3,500 Fundraising Goal
I Can Donate June's Average - $43

If we meet our goal this week, we can end our fundraising drive with the critical resources it will take to make Hawai'i RED.

But with so much at stake and the future of Hawai'i in the balance, you won’t want to sit by while this opportunity passes by.

Will you chip ANY amount now to help put us over the top?


Signe Godfrey
Chair, Hawai'i Republican Party

Paid for by the Hawaii Republican Party.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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