Thanks to you, John, Massachusetts––our first priority state for Open Progress' Let's Protect––has reached a 70%+ vaccination rate!
Now, we're onto our next priority state: Wisconsin. 
We're proud to be a part of Made To Save––a national education and grassroots campaign working to save lives by increasing access to the COVID-19 vaccines!

In addition to texting folks in Wisconsin who may have not been vaccinated, we plan to do some Vaccine Tripling in the Badger State as well––getting vaccinated folks in WI to help us set up vaccine appointments for 3 of their friends!

I'm gonna state the obvious here: we need your help to do this. Can you chip in $5 today to help us hit a 50% vaccination rate in Wisconsin?
Chip in to help us get folks in Wisconsin vaccinated »
We couldn't be prouder to be partnering with Organizing Empowerment––once texts are sent, Organizing Empowerment will have boots on the ground to follow-up with every conversation we have. We are pumped to partner with this incredible team!
All of us at Open Progress––our staff, our supporters, our volunteers, & more––are committed to crushing this pandemic once & for all. I hope you'll help us reach folks in WI and let them know we're here to get them protected!

In solidarity,
Alejandro Sobrera Barboza 
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