Friend, here’s how you can be involved in this week’s action: Monday, June 28 - Digital Storytelling Action Stories are powerful. They are one of the few ways we understand one another’s experiences. Share your story or a story from an essential worker. Take this Action: Tuesday, June 29 - Contact Your Member of Congress Reach out to your Members of Congress and remind them of the many contributions immigrant workers have made during the pandemic. Encourage them to repay the courage and sacrifices of so many undocumented workers with a pathway for citizenship. Take this Action: - DRIVE CALLS: Drive calls to Congress using Faith in Action’s call tool and script: Call your Member of Congress at 1-844-332-6361 and tell them to provide a pathway to citizenship for millions of essential workers and their families, Dreamers, and TPS holders in the upcoming jobs and infrastructure reconciliation bill.
- Use these Social Media Graphics to invite others to call their Members of Congress!
Wednesday, June 30 - Fast Forward for Citizenship This in-person action is an opportunity to stand in solidarity with the 60 fasters and the 11 million undocumented immigrants that deserve a pathway to citizenship. For four weeks they have forgone meals, sacrificing the comfort of food to highlight their need for freedom. On Wednesday, we will join them and urge Congress to include citizenship for undocumented essential workers and their families, dreamers, and TPS holders. Take this Action: Wednesday, June 30th at 12 p.m. ET Lutheran Church of the Reformation 212 E. Capitol St. NE, Washington D.C., 20003 The #WeAreEssential Fast for Freedom has been a great success. Over 100 people have joined as solidarity fasters. More than 90 organizations have signed on to the fast. Members of Congress, including Congresswoman Jayapal and Congressman Castro, visited with the fasters and amplified their stories. And for us to really have our voices heard in Washington, we need your help. What action will you take this week? Together we can win! In solidarity, Omar Angel Perez Lead Organizer, Congregation Action Network Faith in Action |