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Illinois Democrats have one goal in mind: staying in power by any means
necessary. This is why they:
• Meet behind doors and draw hyper-partisan maps for IL House and Senate
• Raise taxes and the prices of goods on hard-working Illinoisans
• Make promises they can never pay for
It’s time Illinois had the government it deserves -- one dedicated to serving
the people andrespecting taxpayers and their hard-earned money.
The Illinois Republican Party is fighting back against the Democrats’ tyranny
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, and I amso proud to be on their team. Everyone here at ILGOP is a patriot
dedicated to reforming and saving Illinois. While IL Dems can depend on big
donations from public sector unions, trial lawyers, and a Billionaire Governor,
the ILGOP depends ongrassroots supporters like you
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Our second quarter fundraising deadline is THIS WEDNESDAY AT MIDNIGHT. Friend,
I wouldn’t be reaching out if I didn’t believe we have a chance to wash
Illinois with a red wave. Will you join us and take a stand against a
permanently Blue Illinois?
Take a Stand
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Thank you,
Illinois Republican Party
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Paid for by the Illinois Republican Party and not authorized by any candidate
or candidate's committee. Illinois.GOP
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Illinois Republican Party , PO Box 64897 Chicago, IL 60664