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Broadwater: "Big Business has tricked the public into believing that only immigrants will sign up for the most backbreaking labor... Americans have no problem getting their hands dirty, as long as they're paid fairly."

Tom Broadwater, president of Americans 4 Work, wrote an op-ed about how liberal immigration policies have hit African American workers the hardest:

"More than 9 percent of black workers are jobless, compared to 5.1 percent of white workers. The labor force participation rate - the share of working-age, non-incarcerated adults who either have jobs or are actively looking for them - dropped 2.2 percentage points for blacks over the course of the pandemic, but only 1.8 percentage points for whites.

"...According to Harvard economist George Borjas, 'a 10 percent immigration-induced increase in the supply of workers in a particular skill group reduced the black [male] wage of that group by 2.5 percent, lowered the employment rate by 5.9 percentage points and increased the incarceration rate by 1.3 percentage points.'"

In his book "The Case Against Immigration," NumbersUSA Founder, President and CEO Roy Beck lays out the full history of African American workers being hit particularly hard when it comes to high levels of immigration, repeatedly proving why mass immigration is not in our national interest:

"Many employers meet their minority hiring targets by employing immigrants instead of African Americans."

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