What if you knew that you had the power to make sure some right-wing Republican didn't replace Gavin Newsom later this year?

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If you knew that making a $3 donation tonight would stop Caitlyn Jenner or some Republican governor from taking over California, wouldn't you donate it right away?

I know that $3 doesn't sound like the kind of money that can defeat this Republican recall, especially with some of Trump's biggest donors in the fight.

But by the time you got to this point in this email, someone has already chipped in $3 to help Gavin Newsom beat this recall. Now they're hoping you'll do the same. Because that's how we win. Together.

So what do you say?

Can you make a $3 contribution to Gavin Newsom's campaign before our official fundraising deadline ends and we're legally required to report our numbers?


We have received more than 200,000 individual donations online to help Gavin Newsom beat this recall. The one you make right now could be the one that seals the deal and keeps him in office.


Team Newsom


In just about 48 hours we close the books on what could be our final official quarterly fundraising deadline before ballots drop. When it ends, we're legally mandated to release our fundraising numbers. So please, chip. If you do, we'll CRUSH our goals and win this recall.

Can Governor Newsom count on you to contribute $3 before our deadline ends? This is so important.



Committee major funding from Reed Hastings, California Democratic Party, California Real Estate Political Action Committee (CREPAC) - California Association of Realtors

This email was sent to: [email protected]. Emails are a very important way for Team Newsom to keep in touch with others who oppose the right-wing Republican recall attempt. If you want to unsubscribe, that would be unfortunate, but please click here to unsubscribe. To make a donation to help Governor Newsom stop this recall attempt, please click here.