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A Green Future on the Horizon
With the announcement last week of the bipartisan infrastructure deal, it appears that Biden has delivered on the impossible. "The deal," PPI's Paul Bledsoe writes, "represents a huge win for Biden's climate proposals." Bledsoe offers analysis on the bill and what's to come next in his latest op-ed.
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New from the Experts


> Statement on Infrastructure Deal

PPI President Will Marshall offers a statement on last week's announcement of the bipartisan infrastructure deal. 

> Statement on Antitrust Legislation

Tech Policy Director Alec Stapp warns of consequences for America's innovation race with China in a statement on the new package of antitrust legislation. 

> Spreading the Word

To celebrate Child Tax Credit Awareness Week, Veronica Goodman encourages lawmakers to make all eligible families aware of the new child tax credit. 


> Credit Scare?

Anyone who has dealt with America's credit scoring industry knows it is rife with problems. PPI's Paul Weinstein, Jr. provides pragmatic solutions to fix the system.


> If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It

The left is calling for extreme antitrust crackdowns on tech, but PPI's Michael Mandel disputes that the tech giants are bad for the American economy – just the opposite. 


> Bill Break-Down

PPI's Alec Stapp offers a clear, explanatory break-down of the new tech antitrust legislation bundle, with a comprehensive view of what will help and what will hurt.


> Splitting the Check

Biden is intent on raising taxes for the superrich and corporations to fund his vision for the U.S. Fiscal analyst Brendan McDermott warns that those tax raises alone won't be enough to fund America's future.
→ The Hill
👂We're All Ears
The latest episode of Radically Pragmatic features the Mosaic Project in conversation with Rep. Sharice Davids, covering everything from the American Jobs and Families Plans to MMA fighting.
Jeremiah Johnson welcomes Richard Reeves, Brookings Institute Senior Fellow and author of "Dream Hoarders," to discuss modern liberalism, its previous iterations, and what comes next.
📊 Don't Miss This PPI Report
The American Jobs Plan calls for $100 billion in federal funding to bring highspeed broadband to all Americans. What are the challenges facing connecting all Americans, and what mistakes have been made in the past? This report takes a look backward, and outlines a better path forward to finally achieve broadband
for all.
💻 Tech Talk 💻 

> On The Hill

The House Judiciary Committee's package of new tech bills passed their first test, now the hard part begins. The NYT reports with insight from PPI's Alec Stapp.
→ New York Times

> TikTok Revisited

Biden is taking a closer look at TikTok as a potential security threat, an acknowledgment of his predecessor's concerns about the app. Quartz reports with commentary from PPI's tech policy director.

> Standing Up For Tech Jobs

Tech companies are gearing up to defend themselves against a wave of anti-innovation legislation. Read the latest from MarketWatch featuring Alec Stapp.
→ MarketWatch
‼️ ICYMI ‼️
PPI recently dropped its annual Investment Heroes report and found that U.S. capital investment rose in 2020, despite the pandemic. Read the latest reporting on Investment Heroes.
→ Forbes: Surprise! Amazon Officially The Number 1 Investor In America According To PPI
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