Hey, let’s talk about the summer slump.

During these summer months, folks start heading outside in the warmer weather and stop paying attention to their inboxes. That means our online fundraising takes a nosedive.

We need to work twice as hard just to play catch up — and that spells bad news since we have to report all of our fundraising numbers to the FEC at the end of the month.

And soon after, our report goes public. That means the whole world will get to see just how much we’ve raised and the number of people who have chipped in to help.

Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans are looking to poke holes in our Democratic majority so it’s critical we reach our fundraising goal and report the strongest numbers possible. That’s where you come in:

Will you donate $10 or more to help us raise $25,000 by Wednesday? Anything you can give makes a big difference at a time like this.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for all you do,
