I hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe and cool today. Check in with your family and friends and make sure they can get to a cool place if they are too warm. Cooling centers, shopping malls, and public libraries are great places to cool off.

Even as the Northwest experiences this "once in a thousand years" heat event, we must recognize that extreme weather will become more and more common as the climate crisis unfolds.

We must act. We must act boldly. And we must act now.

As we debate infrastructure in Congress, we must not lose sight of the fact that this is our single best opportunity to turn the course of the future.

Please, sign this petition and tell Congress and President Biden to get the job done and pass a big, bold, and GREEN infrastructure plan.

Sign the Petition


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I believe we can rebuild our nation's infrastructure and fight climate change. In fact, investing in our nation's infrastructure is essential to finally addressing our climate crisis.

Leading environmental organizations have called the plan before Congress "the greenest transportation bill yet". We cannot miss this opportunity to act.

Please join me in urging both Congress and President Joe Biden to pass this big, bold, green infrastructure plan.

Sign the Petition

The benefits of a green infrastructure plan are too important. It would create millions of family-wage jobs, rebuild our aging roads, bridges and highways and take big steps forward to save our planet.

Our children, their children, and future generations are counting on us to get this right.

So are families right now.

Please sign the petition: urge Congress and President Biden to pass this big, bold, green infrastructure plan as soon as possible!
