John —

I had to make a hard decision today.

My digital team let me know we had to drop our fundraising projections because we won’t be getting as much from our ads as we thought. (There are just so many other campaigns running ads right now too, it’s harder to get the results we need…)

This isn’t the end of the world, but I had to decide whether we should keep our ads up and continue fighting to break through the noise, or to take them down.

I ultimately decided to keep them running, since we’re reaching so many new supporters and I think that’s the most important thing, but now we’re going to be another $2,500 short of our fundraising goal.

I need your help to make sure this doesn’t detract from our fundraising report, which we’ll submit after the FEC fundraising deadline on June 30th.

Will you step up here, John? I’m dropping a custom ActBlue link below so I can track all our supporters who help us meet this goal.

Thanks for everything,
— Josh


Harder for Congress
PO Box 4426
Modesto CA 95352 United States

Paid For By Harder for Congress
