Dear Twin Ports DSA Members and Associates:

This week we mostly have news, not meetings.

The Racial Justice Working Group will soon meet with a number of other organizations in town so they can fine tune a strategy to achieving a Cahoots style rapid response system for mental health and other 911 calls that don't need the police. Work is ongoing, and if you want to join their efforts you can email Lydia Goustin at [email protected] .

Our Labor Engagement Group has decided to build a float and try to make three parades, Spirit Valley, Cloquet Labor Day, and Superior Pride. We decided as to make our next chapter check-in part fun potluck and brats, and part float decoration event. Mark your calendar for July 10th, 6 pm.  I'll send out full details in a later message.

Also mark your calendar for Wednesday, July 7th 6 pm if you want to participate in a DSA Convention resolution study group at Troy and Kyrsten's house. This is our effort to help guide our delegates before they head into the national DSA convention.

I counted seven chapter members at the labor event supporting Essentia workers this past Saturday, so not a bad showing.

Toni Morse is going to try to come up with a new t-shirt design that is a little better for events like parades. If you want to help her send her a note at [email protected] . We really need some new shirts!

Finally, Robert Kosuth is involved with the DSA International Working Group, and he stressed the need for us to have events around those issues, specifically Palestine and BDS (which DSA supports). If you would like to help Bob plan some kind of event, please email him at [email protected] . In the past we put on a great event about Venezuela.

In solidarity,
John Krumm
TPDSA Secretary

(If you have been receiving these emails and aren't a member yet, we want you to join! Our goals are both broad and local,  and we intend to win as many as possible. Simply put--the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, green housing for all, a justice system that helps instead of harms, an end to poverty, socialists in office everywhere--these goals and more will not happen without mass participation. Use this link to join or renew.)
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