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Friend --
For nearly a year, we've talked about what a recovery should look
like as DC emerges from the pandemic. We are now in the critical few
weeks when a lot of important decisions are going to get made. I'm
going to spend a good amount of this newsletter talking through a few
important parts of that because it will affect almost every Ward 6
neighbor in one way or another. But I hope as this very challenging,
and hopefully unique, school year ends and DC re-opens, you, your
family, and friends are able to enjoy a more normal life and some
well-deserved time off this summer.
And speaking of getting back to normal, I'll be holding my first
in-person community office hours this coming Wednesday, June 30, at
4:30 pm at the Eastern Market Metro Park (near the playground and
splash pad). Feel free to stop by anytime between 4:30-6:00 pm and
talk to me about whatever is on your mind. All Ward 6 residents are
welcome to attend. You are asked to wear a mask if you are not
currently vaccinated. Of course, if you are more comfortable wearing a
mask regardless, please feel welcome to.
I can't wait!
Quick Links: EMMP
Community Ribbon Cutting | Get Vaccinated
| Public Safety Update | Circulator Cuts | Taxes &
Budget | Budget Town Hall Recap | Stay DC | DMV | DC Statehood | Jobs! | Pools & Splash Parks | Tree
Canopy | July 4
Join Me At a Community Ribbon Cutting for Eastern Market
Metro Park July 4
More than a decade of hard work has gone into
transforming Eastern Market Metro Plaza into Eastern Market Metro Park
- a job nearly complete with just a few finishing touches still to go.
After a journey like that, we need to celebrate our new space
together! Join me and the many folks who put in the hard work to build
a vision, advocate for what was possible, and champion this change
through an almost never-ending series of community meetings to make
this park a reality! We'll cut the ribbon immediately following the
Barracks Row July 4 Parade on Sunday morning. Enjoy some live music,
neighbors, and take a moment to celebrate this beautiful new space
that will redefine how we spend time as a community together. As I've
said from the beginning, my goal was to transform this space from a
place you walk through, to a place you walk to! We'll cut the ribbon
about 11 am and be done in time for everyone to enjoy the
Science is clear: Vaccines work. And the Delta variant of
COVID-19 is dangerous for unvaccinated people.
Look, I wrote a similar sentiment in the
last newsletter, so apologies for being repetitive. But I want to keep
driving home the message: the vaccine is safe and it saves
lives. It is incredibly effective, especially against the
serious risk of hospitalization. And the Delta variant of COVID-19,
which is already here in the US, is a big threat to the health and
well-being of anyone who hasn't been vaccinated -- it spreads more
easily and is packing quite a punch. And that means it is a big threat
to those who cannot get vaccinated or are immunocompromised. If you've
been hesitant or simply haven't made it a priority, now is the time to
get serious about protecting yourself and the people around you from
the Delta variant and other strains of COVID-19. If you have concerns
or questions, talk to your doctor. Or email me (you can just reply to
this email) if you like and I can connect you with answers.
That being said, our region is a
frontrunner nationwide in vaccinations and reached President Biden's
4 goal of 70% with at least one shot. That's great news!
But Students... Let's Talk. I want to
highlight a challenge we're seeing in parts of our city - and in Ward
6. According to the latest data from DOH, Ward 6 is lagging behind on
students getting vaccinated. Students (and parents), let's talk about
why this matters and some practical impacts beyond the obvious health
implications. In late August (just two months from now), the new
school year will start. Most schools will be back fully in-person, but
there will still be COVID-19 protocols and precautions in place. Did
anyone go through these protocols when there was a positive test in
your classroom or school - requiring your kid to suddenly quarantine
at home for a week or so? I know my kids had that happen and it's hard
on everyone. Depending on the type of possible exposure, vaccinated
students may not need to quarantine, but unvaccinated students will.
In a school year that we're all hoping will return to something more
like normal, this type of thing will be highly disruptive and have a
big impact on students and families. And remember, the Pfizer vaccine
for students age 12 and up requires two doses - so to avoid what I
just described, they need both doses before school starts. Let's get
this done, Ward 6, and lead the way for everyone's sake!!!
Where to Find
Vaccines: Residents who are not yet vaccinated can still
receive their shot for free almost any day of the week at local
pharmacies and doctor's offices. Use vaccines.gov,
which is a very simple and easy-to-use website that shows what shots
are available and in-stock near you: https://www.vaccines.gov/
With so many vaccines completed, most of
the mass vaccination sites are closed at this point. Eastern High
School has transitioned back to summer camp duties. In Southwest,
Arena Stage has wrapped up as a site, and for our Shaw and MVT
neighbors, the Convention Center has also stopped being used for mass
vaccinations. See
the full list of changes here.
DC Health continues to offer
in-home vaccinations for any residents who are
homebound. Yes, you read that correctly. DC Health will
bring the vaccine and administer it right in your own home if you need
it. Call 855-363-0333 to schedule that visit.
Public Safety Update: DC Goes After Ghost Gun Manufacturers
Two years ago, I worked with the Mayor to pass
legislation banning so-called ghost guns. These are firearms that are
produced without a serial number, typically through an assembly kit
ordered online, but could even be created with a 3D printer. This
week, DC
Attorney General Karl Racine and his team scored a big win with a
lawsuit against one ghost gun manufacturer. This is exactly the kind
of legal action we hoped to enable in passing the law and goes
straight to eliminating a source for guns being used more and more
often in crimes in the District.
Separately, you should know the Council recently authorized the
Mayor to begin spending funds to reduce gun violence in advance of
when they'd otherwise be available via the federal American Rescue
Plan. This will get tens of millions of dollars into our community
immediately to work on gun violence prevention and reduce any summer
crime spikes.
Related: Later this week, I will lead a mark-up on the
recommended budget for the Committee on the Judiciary and Public
Safety's agencies. Expect more information on major public safety and
justice funding initiatives to follow.
Related, Pt. 2: A Twitter user overlaid a map of DC
households with no internet service by neighborhood with the locations
of homicides. It's a giant, flashing arrow telling us what we need to
be focused on to improve public safety (hint: let's start by
guaranteeing every home can connect to the internet). My
thoughts in a tweet thread here.
Proposed Changes to DC Circulator Routes between Eastern Market
and Southwest; Extending from Navy Yard to Mt. Vernon Triangle
Late last week, we got news that DC Circulator was proposing to cut
routes between Eastern Market to Navy Yard, the Ballpark, and
Southwest, but at the same time looking to extend the route to Mt.
Vernon Triangle. DDOT did not brief me on these proposed changes and
based the feedback I've gotten in the last couple of days, they didn't
seem to do much outreach with the community either. While I support an
extension to Mt. Vernon Triangle, I cannot support a cut to the route
connecting Eastern Market, Barracks Row, Navy Yard, and Southwest.
I've already let the DDOT Director know and will be following up to
fight this cut.
Major Investments in Childcare and Housing Require Asking
More of Those Doing Well
Earlier this week, DCist ran a story about a recent poll showing 80
percent of DC residents' support for a tax increase on highest-income
earners in the District to help pay for the many priorities of an
equitable recovery facing our community. And at this point, I think
it's pretty clear that for households who could work remotely, didn't
lose their jobs, had reliable internet, and weren't threatened with
losing their homes, it was a very different experience than for
essential workers or many other households that have been hit hard by
the recession that came with the pandemic. These jobs already tended
to be among the best paying and many households are coming out of the
pandemic in better shape than before. I believe, and I've heard from a
lot of people as well, that it's reasonable to ask them to give a
little more to help their neighbors hardest hit by the pandemic.
As I see it, two areas where we can help families the most are the
cost of childcare (and, relatedly, increasing the near minimum wage
pay for childcare professionals) and the rising cost of housing. If we
want to help lower and middle income families thrive in the District,
you'd be hard pressed to find better ways to do it than making child
care and housing costs more affordable.
As part of the Council's landmark Birth-to-Three legislation, the
District would commit an increased subsidy to childcare providers to
raise the wages for the people caring for infants and toddlers. Anyone
who has young children understands that childcare is both incredibly
expensive and our childcare workers are underpaid for the important
work they do. And the work to dig out of years of inadequate housing
construction and preservation means we need to make significant
investments to create a lot more affordable housing for all income
levels and family sizes.
The popular counter argument this year to any sort of tax increase
is to point to the unprecedented $2.7 billion in federal funding the
District has at its disposal this year. But remember, that money will
be gone in a couple of years and we can see in our budgets the cliff
coming when that needed aid is gone. Much of it is directed toward
helping states dig out of significant holes from the pandemic and make
key investments. A just recovery means we need to be smart and
intentional to plan for these needs now. I get the sense there's a lot
of interest on the Council to be bold right now in addressing these
Discussions on tax increases tend to get outsized attention
compared to the actual impact on a person. Last year, I proposed a
modest increase that narrowly failed after much discussion in the
meeting and in the press. At that time, we were talking about an
annual increase of around $125 for a single adult earning $300,000 a
year (not a household earning that level, an
individual). That breaks down to just $10 a
month more. I don't think that's too much to ask given the
challenges we're facing.
And this is where I want to remind everyone of
three important points:
- When you compare the entire tax burden (that is, all taxes you pay
ranging from sales tax to property tax to income tax), the District is
actually lower than surrounding jurisdictions in Maryland and
Virginia. DC's Office
of the Chief Financial Officer publishes a very thorough report
every few years. Despite the rhetoric often associated with taxes, DC
residents at every income level measured by the comparison are taxed
at the lowest rate in the region (the graph to the right is from the
appendix of the linked report).
- Taxes in the US are marginal. That means everyone pays the same
rate in each tax bracket. So if you earned $1,500,000 last year, and
the tax rate is raised for income over $1,000,000, you're only paying
the new, increased rate for that last $500,000, not the full
- Any tax increase will certainly be tied to individual earners and
not combined household income.
So that's where I am as we enter the key two months that will
determine a very consequential budget. I've talked about this
frequently but want to make sure I'm sharing with you my thinking on
an issue certain to garner a lot of attention. And I welcome your
feedback, too!
Here's Where the Budget Process Stands
The Council has completed one part of the budget process - public
oversight hearings - and we're now into the next: committee mark-ups
will take place this week and finalization of the budget over the next
month or so. Committee mark-ups are when each committee presents and
discusses proposed changes to the budget and then votes to approve the
changes. It's easiest to understand this by remembering the budget is
a piece of legislation going through the normal steps to approval,
except in every committee.
From now until each committee's vote, key decisions are being made
based on public feedback and other factors. So is that it for the
budget? Not quite. After every committee approves a recommended budget
for the agencies under its oversight, the Council will hold a full day
meeting to present and discuss the budget as a whole (since to this
point we've all largely had to focus on our specific committees). That
meeting will be televised live as it takes place all day on July
After that, the Chairman will make any final changes to the budget
as a whole. There can be surprises here as the Chairman has access to
every part of the budget in a way that committee chairs do not. After
that, the Council votes twice (set for July 20 and August 3) to
finalize the budget or make changes. At any of these points, you can
continue to advocate for any changes or funding priorities to me, or
any of the members of the council. Keep in mind you have five at-large
members representing you as well, including Chairman Mendelson and
at-large members Anita Bonds, Robert White, Elissa Silverman, and
Christina Henderson.
Miss the Ward 6 Budget Town Hall? It's All
If you weren't able to join me and Ward 6 neighbors the other week
for the Ward 6 Budget Town Hall, I'm including a link to the full
video of the event below and access to the slidedeck I used during my
Behind on Rent or Utility Bills? There's Money to Help You.
It can't be stated clear enough: there's a fund of $350 *million*
dollars. Regular readers know I've been sharing information regularly
about STAY DC, the fund that can assist DC residents with missed rent
payments dating back to April 2020 and up to three months from now.
This can also include missed utility payments. But you'd be surprised
how many people who could use this help don't know about it.
If you haven't yet, get an application into Stay DC (and PLEASE
share with neighbors who may need this kind of help to stay in their
I realize the entire application is lengthy and complicated -- if
you've submitted yours already and haven't heard back, feel free to
get in touch with Jeanne,
Jen, or Kimberly on my team. My staff continue to be part of a
working group considering improvements to make it easier to complete.
Still, the glitches will get worked out. But you need to apply now
so you aren't at-risk of eviction once the moratorium is
DMV Update: In-Person Hours Return Week of July 19
The DMV announced it would return to in-person services beginning
the week of July 19. If you've booked an appointment between now and
July 17, don't worry, it will still be honored.
A few things to remember:
- If you are simply trying to renew registration or inspection for a
car newer than 2005, you can do it all online and using the District's
self-service kiosk in Takoma Park.
- Enforcement on expired identification, including driver's
licenses, has been delayed until September. All other enforcement
related to DMV services resumed on June 1.
- There's a long
list of services that can be taken care of online without having
to make an appointment or go to the DMV. Be sure to check it
DC Statehood Hearing
On Tuesday, for just the second time in our nation's history, the
US Senate held a hearing on admitting the District of Columbia as a
state. I think most folks at this point understand how we can be so
tantalizing close, but we aren't quite there yet. The only thing I
want to drive home is that taxation without representation is wrong
and it shouldn't depend any perceived short-term political gains for
one party or the other. Just like voting, the right to representation
should be above the fray and considered a sacred right for every
American! I shared some comments
in advance of the hearing on Facebook.
The DC Infrastructure Academy Can Open Doors to a New Career
Starting at $22 an Hour!
For any DC resident interested in a career working
in the solar industry, with Washington Gas, with Pepco, or in
infrastructure, the DC Infrastructure Academy is your foot in the
door. From orientation to job training to help landing that first gig,
DC residents can start a new career. It all begins with attending an
information session, held every Tuesday and Thursday. And results from
other classes should be eye-opening: so far 80% of graduates land a
job after, at an average salary of $22 an hour! Sign
up here.
Find a DPR Pools and Spray Park to Beat the Heat!
Folks, the pools and spray parks are back and I am here to tell you
they are very good places to be on a hot DC summer day. My kids are
thrilled and we were splashing away last weekend in the heat! I know
this is something we all missed last year because, no lie, Ward 6 has
the best pools and spray parks (I think, anyway). And after staying
closed all of last year, they're back open.
Beginning today, pools will be open most days -- check schedules to
know if there's a maintenance day at your neighborhood pool. Find your
closest pool here: https://dpr.dc.gov/service/find-pool
Spray parks are open and operating every day already. Watkins,
King-Greenleaf Rec, Hill East, Eastern Market, Kennedy Rec, or any
other location: https://dpr.dc.gov/page/spray-parks!
DC's Tree Canopy is Looking Up
Ward 6 loves trees and I've been proud during my time at the
Council to expand and grow DC's tree canopy. You could make a pretty
long list as to why trees are a very important part of life in our
city, I'll give you my top 3:
- Trees are the single best way to cool off the urban heat effect, a
major way climate change is playing out right now. Trees literally can
lower the temperature.
- Trees clean the air. Everyone knows this, but it's important not
to forget their role in providing breathable air.
- Trees are just really nice to be around. Being able to get a
little dose of nature, enjoy a park, walk on a shady sidewalk are all
well-documented parts of improving mental health for all of us.
has a great update on how DC's tree canopy is improving across the
city, building in equity to ensure every neighborhood gets the
Related: This week we are going to experience some hot
temperatures. If you have the ability, give any trees on your street
an extra bit of water you can.
Join Me at the Capitol Hill Fourth of July Parade
In case you missed the news, the Barracks Row
Fourth of July Parade is coming back! That's right, America's Biggest
Little Parade is back. I'll be walking in it (all of three blocks,
mind you) with the many neighbors, organizations, and businesses that
make our community so great. And if there's ever been a time to
celebrate (safely), I think after the year we've all endured, this
might be it. The parade kicks off around 10 am at 8th and I Streets,
SE, and ends at the Eastern Market Metro Park. It's a perfect way to
begin your holiday. A
little more from the Hill Rag.
Hope you can make it out on July 4!
Charles Allen
P.S. - Since I mentioned it right at the beginning, one more
reminder that I'll be holding an in-person community office hours this
Wednesday, June 30 at Eastern Market Metro Park. You
can RSVP here. (This is in addition to the community ribbon
cutting event on July 4).
