No images? Click here ![]() Local Update, 28 June 2021 Free Online Mental Wellbeing Support Sessions, every Friday, 10.30am - 12.30pm and 6.00 - 8.00pmMeet like-minded people, build confidence and share ideas. It's an opportunity to check in with yourself, speak about things you've been struggling with in a space where you'll be understood and supported, and hopefully come away with some new self-care tools. (image below taken from above event listing) ![]() Under Pressure – let's talk about mental health and the music/arts industry, Thursday 1st July, 6.30 - 7.30pmAn open discussion about mental health and the music/performing arts industry with KimBo Theatre and Chris Difford, chaired by Rachel Jepson (image below taken from above event listing) ![]() Hendon Hub Public ConsultationThere are currently plans to redevelop a large area of Hendon, and this area includes the site of the Meritage Centre. A wellbeing centre similar in scope to the existing Meritage Centre is important to be preserved for the area and for the wider Barnet Community. Please see below a link to the Hendon Redevelopment site with details about the virtual Public Consultation sessions that the council have and will be holding.
The following online workshops are available to all adults anywhere.![]() Mind and Mood Support GroupMind & Mood Support Group celebrated its sixth birthday on 6th January 2021. Peter Sartori e: [email protected] Both Peter Sartori and Sandra Turner have extensive experience of the mental health system. Journaling for wellbeingJournaling is something that I hadn't really tried before as a method to enhance wellbeing, but I recently started to do this and wanted to share with you how I have found it. According to Wendy Fry, author of "Write from your heart. Discover your author voice through journaling":- "By expressing our unique experiences through journaling, it will stop us feeling we are being eaten alive by our pasts, allowing us to get on with the business of living now...My best advice is if overwhelming emotions prevail in your life, journaling is one of the best ways to gain emotional catharsis and release the build up of what is left unexpressed." I have found that the the process can be very simple, just find some journaling prompts that get you thinking and that stimulate you to write in an uninhibited way. Then reflect on what you have written, building up a body of writing that you can refer to whenever you choose. continuing with journaling for as long as you find it helpful To be honest, I have been surprised how much of a difference writing down my responses to journaling prompts has made to how I have been feeling, and for the last period I have enjoyed doing this on an almost daily basis. It has also provided me with plenty of material about how I might improve my life and motivated me to take steps towards that. One of the good things about journaling is that it can be a very low cost therapeutic approach. It's perfectly possible to get started just with a pen and paper and the prompts and descriptions from a free website like the following:- If you like the idea of a video course, I found the following quite good:- Or, for futher prompts, try:- Examples of prompts that I have found engaging are:- What would your ideal life be like at some time in the future? But we all have a wealth of life experiences, and journaling can be a great way to access long forgotten memories and dreams and use them to help and develop yourself now. So, if you feel like giving it a go, what have you got to lose? Have you completed our survey on Barnet Mental Health services yet?Inclusion Barnet are preparing a paper on people's experiences of mental health services in Barnet, & particularly on what happens when services close. We’d love to hear your views on this topic.
Join Inclusion Barnet's Co-Produced Steering CommitteeDo you, or does someone you know, currently use Barnet Social Care services? If so please share this information about Inclusion Barnet's new project "The Co-Produced Support Project". They are looking for volunteers to join their steering group as part of their peer led research, policy and campaigning project focused on improving Barnet adult social care. For more information visit their website page The Co-Produced Support Project or contact the project lead, Banos Alexandrou 07719 105247 or email him at [email protected] About Inclusion We are a Peer-Led Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisation (DDPO). Nearly all of our directors and staff have lived experience of disability, including mental health issues and/or long-term health conditions. We believe that learning to use our lived experience for social change is a skill. We have become experts in harnessing the lived experience of our staff, members, volunteers and the people who use our services to design and deliver higher quality, more person-centred services. Other services run by Inclusion Barnet that you might be interested in are: Benefits Advice Service (supporting disabled people in Barnet to access the benefits they are entitled to). Touchpoint (supports people experiencing any form of disability in Barnet to access the services and resources they need). Healthwatch Barnet (an independent, statutory organisation dedicated to improving health and social care services in Barnet). Useful links for mental health and wellbeingClick on the title to go to the individual websites. LOCAL
(*BEH-MHT = Barnet, Enfield Haringay - Mental Health Trust) LONDON & NATIONAL
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