We are going to soon get a date for this recall, ballots could even be dropping in weeks, and our opponents are on the air and raising big-money from Trump donors.

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Friends -

If you have ever found yourself thinking "I'll make a contribution to help Gavin Newsom beat this recall if he needs it closer to the election," well... today is the day.

Because this is a MASSIVE week for our campaign.

We are going to soon get a date for this recall, ballots could even be dropping in weeks, and our opponents are on the air and raising big-money from Trump donors.

And to make it even more important, our huge quarterly fundraising deadline ends in 72 hours, after which we're legally required to report our fundraising numbers.

So, Gavin Newsom could really use your help TONIGHT. What do you say? Use this link:

Can you please make a $3 contribution to our campaign tonight? This is a huge week for our campaign and if you could chip in it'd mean a lot for our chances to beat this recall.

Almost 99% of our donations are less than one hundred dollars, and the majority come in response to emails like this one. So your response here is pretty important.

All our best,

Team Newsom


Committee major funding from Reed Hastings, California Democratic Party, California Real Estate Political Action Committee (CREPAC) - California Association of Realtors

This email was sent to: [email protected]. Emails are a very important way for Team Newsom to keep in touch with others who oppose the right-wing Republican recall attempt. If you want to unsubscribe, that would be unfortunate, but please click here to unsubscribe. To make a donation to help Governor Newsom stop this recall attempt, please click here.