We are on the cusp of three HUGE elections, friends, but Democrats are so focused on the 2020 primary that NO ONE is paying attention to the statewide races happening RIGHT NOW. We’re doing everything we can to win these neck and neck races – but we’re falling dangerously close to coming up short at the finish line because the numbers just aren’t adding up:


We've reached more than 2 million voters through texting, digital efforts, and on-the-ground work to talk about the Dem AG candidates that are on the ballot right now.
Chip in $1 to support our ground game in key battleground states.


Democratic AGs have SUED the Trump administration more than 87 times to block his dangerous agenda.
Donate $1 to ensure Democratic AGs can keep holding Trump accountable.


Polls are tightening for Democrats in three states: Mississippi, Kentucky, and Louisiana.
Contribute $1 to help Dem AGs win critical elections in 2019.


We’re still 631 donors short of our goal to stay on track to elect Democrats by midnight.
Give $1 right now so we can close the gap and have a real shot at winning these seats.

Email: [email protected]
Supporter ID: 1371688
Given today to elect Democratic AGs?:  NOT YET 

We can make history, but only if Democrats like you step up and ensure we have the resources to get out the vote in this year's critical elections. This is our last chance to hold Trump and his administration accountable before the 2020 elections  but not enough people are paying attention to these 2019 races, so we're counting on you to give now:

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Follow us to stay connected and get the latest updates about how Democratic AGs are fighting for your rights: