We want to thank everyone who took part in our National Day of Action. YOUR voice makes a real difference by letting our representatives know where WE stand on issues of importance!
For example, our dedicated Tea Party Patriot organizer Randy Corporon and the Arapahoe Tea Party in Colorado stopped by Rep. Jason Crow’s office and gave us a recap of the visit.
![]() ![]() Don’t forget to email us a recap of your visit to your representative’s office and send your pictures to [email protected], or you can text them to (404) 996-1717.
Be sure to share your experiences on social media and tag Tea Party Patriots.
Continue to call out the left on this ridiculous attack on President Trump. If this was a legitimate impeachment inquiry, Nancy Pelosi would hold a full vote on the House floor. She hasn’t and the American people aren’t buying it! We won’t stop fighting until this witch hunt against President Trump is over!
It’s time for an investigation into Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff’s multiple ethics violations, lies, and bogus investigation against President Trump. Tea Party Patriots Action filed a complaint this week calling into question Schiff's repeated abuse of power and his overt efforts to seek incriminating information from Ukrainian sources about the president. As Intelligence Committee Chairman, Schiff has abused his power, violated House rules, and made false accusations in his pursuit of the impeachment inquiry into President Trump.
This is unacceptable and there must be consequences!
Sign our petition and urge the House Office of Congressional Ethics to run an investigation on Schiff and urge for him to resign immediately if the investigation confirms what we already know. And while they’re at it, the House should censure him.
You know what drives us crazy? American companies selling out, appeasing to Chinese consumers and Communist China. Earlier this week, the NBA apologized for the Houston Rockets’ general manager’s pro-Hong Kong tweet and Apple removed an app used in Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protests after facing pressure from China. But these aren’t the only companies that have chosen money over American principles.
Vans removed its pro-Hong Kong shoe design saying it wasn’t in line with the company’s long-held values of “respect and tolerance.” What the company really values is the money that China provides.
Another recent example is Paramount’s decision to remove the Taiwanese flag from the new “Top Gun” movie. Way to take a classic American movie during the time of the Cold War, turn it into a sequel and taint it red.
If you subscribe to the Washington Post (you probably don’t), reconsider. The Post took money to print Chinese propaganda here in the U.S.
Those are only a few examples; it is shocking how many American companies have chosen to be pro-China rather than pro-America. America prides itself as a country built on freedom, but a lot of our own American companies seem to have forgotten those important principles. The Democrats’ latest attempt to impeach President Trump may be the nail in the coffin. Not for President Trump, but for their chances of securing the White House, keeping the House, and taking back the Senate.... The debate surrounding climate change has, once again, reared its ugly head. The left has tried to use climate change, or global warming, to push their progressive agenda for decades. It didn’t even use to be “global warming.” In the 1970’s everyone was worried about “global cooling!”... Following on the Trump Administration’s announcement of its “public charge” rule, the Administration announced on Friday night a new proclamation requiring many future visa applicants to demonstrate that they can afford health insurance.... The Founders never envisioned a Permanent Ruling Class! They envisioned a legislature of “citizen legislators” who would serve no more than a few terms, then return to their previous lives. Unfortunately, we have created career politicians who are in it for the long haul, and in it for themselves....
In liberty,
Tea Party Patriots Action National Support Team