This week marked 5 years since Britain voted to leave the EU. We reflect over the importance of working across borders to develop long-term solutions that protect people and planet. Scroll for more about how Greens work with others to make sure that we ar



This week marked 5 years since Britain voted to leave the EU. We reflect over the importance of working across borders to develop long-term solutions that protect people and planet. Scroll for more about how Greens work with others to make sure that we are building a society that values people and planet over profit🔽


Join the Green Party Drug Policy Working Group 28 June 8-9 PM! They'll be getting together for a discussion on social justice and the policing of drugs. The conversation will be between Cleo Lake, ex-Lord Mayor of Bristol and recent candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset, and Neil Woods, former police officer and drug reform campaigner.


✔️SIGN THE WELLBEING ECONOMY PETITION: We urgently need the government to recognise that we must shift towards an economy that puts people and planet first. The government must stop fixating on short-term profit. Sign here!


✔️TELL YOUR MP TO BACK THE CLIMATE EMERGENCY BILL: Earlier this week, Green MP Caroline Lucas introduced a revised Climate & Ecological Emergency Bill to Parliament. Though they have the support of 110 MPs, they need as many people as possible to add their voices to the Bill. More on how to contact your MP to ask them to back this crucial piece of legislation here.


💚SUPPORT THE PARTY: A Greener and fairer world is one where everyone has the right and opportunity to participate in democracy. It is one where every voice is heard. Get your 'democracy is not something we have, democracy is something we do' poster here. Learn about building regenerative life-affirming organisations in this Regenerative Leadership book.


💚LEARN ABOUT GREEN POLICIES: Greens, including Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley are calling for progressive alliances to tackle injustice. Universal Basic Income is a key part of Green Party policy, because financial security is a fundamental building block of a good, just society.