Hi John,
I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend and enjoying the summer weather!
This is such a great time of year. It’s a time for summer vacations, family barbeques, and building lifelong memories with those closest to us.
However, as I think about all the fun activities families are doing this summer, I also remember that there are thousands of moms facing unexpected pregnancies… who are wrestling with the decision of whether to abort their children.
These moms are hurting. They feel lost and alone. And they are in desperate need of someone to stand in the gap for them and provide true help and hope.
One common misconception is that the reason so many moms pursue abortion is that they don’t want their children. But that’s simply not true.
Many are just struggling and in need of basic resources – such as food, housing, and childcare. In fact, of the women who contact Human Coalition seeking an abortion, 76% say they would prefer to parent if their life circumstances were better.
That’s why the National Rescue System – which YOU have built through your prayers and support – is so important.
Through the National Rescue System, YOU extend God’s love to moms and families during their time of greatest need. YOU provide help and hope to women in some of the most abortion-dense communities in the nation. And YOU connect moms to real, life-affirming care and resources – making abortion unnecessary.
Recently, you should have received an email from Human Coalition’s president, Jeff Bradford, about the urgent $640,295 fiscal year-end goal.
This goal is critical. Because how things land over the next few weeks will ultimately determine how strongly the lifesaving rescue effort can move forward. The simple fact is that any loss of momentum now means fewer moms will be reached. And fewer children will be rescued.
But you can help us meet this goal by June 30, ensuring the lifesaving rescue effort can continue strongly forward in the year ahead.
You have been so faithful to this mission – especially after all the challenges of the last year. But if you are able, will you give a special fiscal year-end gift of $100, $150, or even $200 RIGHT NOW – rescuing more moms and children from the horror of abortion in the year ahead? www.HumanCoalition.org/June-FYE/
Please don’t let this opportunity pass you by, John.
Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry are only gaining more power and influence in our government. YOU can keep the momentum for life going and reach vulnerable moms before the abortion industry gets to them.
But time is quickly running out…
The $640,295 goal must be met by June 30 – just a few days from now.

Will you give a lifesaving gift TODAY, ensuring that as many moms and preborn children as possible are rescued from the devastation of abortion? www.HumanCoalition.org/June-FYE/
Thank you so much for your heart for these moms and their innocent preborn children. You are such a blessing!
For Life,
Lori Szala
National Director of Training and Education
P.S. — As you read this email, thousands of moms are counting on YOU for help and hope. And thousands of precious preborn children are counting on YOU to be there for their moms… so they will be given LIFE outside the womb. Can they count on you TODAY? Will you give $100, $150, or your best gift to rescue more moms and children in the year of ministry ahead? www.HumanCoalition.org/June-FYE/