I don’t know if you heard, but last night, the President tore into American Muslims again. I’m not going to repeat his ugly attacks but he was more vicious than he’s ever been, this time targeting Minnesota’s Muslim community. Trump’s attacks on American Muslims are getting louder, more desperate, and more unhinged.
And Muslim Advocates is fighting back. We’ve orchestrated effective responses to the worst attacks on American Muslims. With your help, we’re filing lawsuits; executing successful pressure campaigns on lawmakers and hate groups, and the corporations that enable them; and representing the community in Congress.
That’s also why the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, will join us at our annual gala on November 20, 2019 in Arlington, Virginia. Chairman Nadler is leading congressional oversight of the administration's implementation of the Muslim Ban and its response to white nationalist violence, as well as driving key parts of the impeachment inquiry. He wants an audience with you to discuss how we can help Congress to hold Trump accountable for his actions. Can you join us?
We can’t fight these battles on our own. Fair-minded Americans like you, lawmakers like Rep. Nadler, and brave communities like the ones in Minnesota are in this together.
The attacks will likely get worse but we will weather the storm together and come out stronger in the end.
I hope you can join us in Arlington in November, but if not, we want you there in spirit.
Thank you so much,
Farhana Khera
Executive Director
Muslim Advocates