A transgender woman (also known as a confused biological man) epically crashed CNN’s town hall for Democratic presidential candidates Thursday night, stealing the microphone from another woman and charging the stage while demanding to know why
A transgender woman (also known as a confused biological man) epically crashed CNN’s town hall for Democratic presidential candidates Thursday night, stealing the microphone from another woman and charging the stage while demanding to know why...
An illegal alien has been arrested by federal immigration officials after local officials in Oklahoma released him despite a lodged detainer request.Thankfully ICE was able to track down 38-year-old Salvadorian national Antonio Ulises Perez, but...
In addition to forcibly stripping law-abiding Americans of their constitutional right to bear arms and confiscating their property, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke now says he wants to financially punish churches and charities that don’t...
President Trump during a Thursday evening rally in Minneapolis, Minn., slammed his Democratic opponent Joe Biden, saying that he was only good at his former position of Vice President because he knew how to “kiss...
It wouldn’t be the media if they didn’t try to spin every single story, report or interview for their agenda. After all, they’re businesses before they’re news organizations, so ratings, ad dollars and ideology come...
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