
These are not normal times, and the Republican party is not a normal political party.

Look — I've been in politics a long time and I've seen the Republican lies become more vicious than ever before. Trumpian dishonesty has come to completely dominate the GOP.

The level of deception and shocking denial of facts that the GOP will resort to just to stay on Trump's good side is appalling. This year, after our Capitol was attacked with pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails while its police officers were brutalized, Republican Rep. Andrew Clyde said “there was no insurrection” and that “if you didn't know the TV footage was a video from January 6th, you'd actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”

If that's how far the GOP is willing to go to protect domestic terrorists, we're in big trouble.

And that's exactly why I am so excited about Shield PAC. For the first time ever, we're going to take on those lies and defend our House majority.

Will you join their mission to protect vulnerable House Democrats by chipping in $5 right now?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Shield PAC is doing the work that needs to be done to take on the Trumpian GOP and their underhanded tactics, making sure the liars don't win. Through social media, email strategy and effective advertising campaigns, Shield PAC is building an armor around swing-seat Democrats going into the midterms.

Take it from me, Shield PAC is the key to protecting our House majority. They know from first-hand experience just how damaging the GOP's dishonest rhetoric can be and how to fight back effectively.

Formed by 9 former House Democrats and candidates who lost in 2020 thanks to Republican smear campaigns, Shield PAC will combat Republican lies and stop them in their tracks — so we won't lose any more House Democrats in 2022.

They've got my support, and I hope they have yours too.

Please, take a moment and make a contribution to Shield PAC right now, so we can preserve our House majority in 2022 and keep the liars where they belong — far away from the House Chamber. Thank you for taking action,

Paul Begala

Democratic Strategist