Diving further into the GameStop hustle, privatization pushback and more!

Your Prospect Weekend Reads
Week of 6/21/2021

Stories from the week you dont want to miss!

Anthony Behar/ SIPA USA via AP Images
A driver protests Uber's decision to cut fares during a February 2016 demonstration in New York.

How the GameStop Hustle Worked: In this follow-up to her original piece about the GameStop frenzy in January, Contributor Lucy Komisar explains how hedge funds and brokers have manipulated the market.

Why Justice Breyer Will Resign at the End of This Court Term: Contributor Randall Kennedy predicts that despite a lot of words about not politicizing the court, Justice Stephen Breyer will likely resign his seat.

Bipartisan Senate Infrastructure Plan Is a Stalking Horse for Privatization: Executive Editor David Dayen explains that this scheme would fund new infrastructure by selling off old infrastructure–something Trump had already proposed.

Public Housing Is Going Private–and Residents Are Fighting Back: Contributor Amir Khafagy explores how a small federal program has become a big federal program with no oversight of how it’s actually working.

Rethinking Commuting: Deputy Editor Gabrielle Gurley posits that regional planners and transit agencies must figure out whether working from home or the allure of urban social life will prove stronger in post-pandemic America.

The Co-op Movement Is Taking On Big Tech: Contributor Amelia Pollard explores how gross economic inequality and poor working conditions are fomenting a nationwide co-op movement. Their next target, Pollard reports, is Big Tech.

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