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Weekend Edition, June 26-27, 2021

Death Jabs, Fear Masks, & Corona Communism: This is Exactly How Every Bad Idea From the Establishment Has Been Defeated in All Human History, Just Stay the Course

Allan Stevo

Narrative Soup

James Howard Kunstler

The Coming Premeditated Mass Murder: A 21st Century Plot

Gary D. Barnett

Canadian Surgeon Fired for Voicing Safety Concerns Over Covid Jabs for Children


Long Live GB News

Mark Gullick

Covid: Martyrdom Meets Fascism

Jon Rappoport

Orbán: ‘Christianity Has Created the Free Man, the Family, and the Nation’

Srdja Trifkovic

The Overlapping Infrastructure of Urban Surveillance, and How To Fix It

Matthew Guariglia

The De Gaulle-Johnson Intervention To Break the Empire Part Two (A New Vision Takes Shape)

Matthew J.L. Ehret

The Switched-On, Censorious Billionaires of Silicon Valley Are Now the Greatest Threat to Free Speech And the Pursuit of Truth

Norman Lewis

“More Than Half of Positive PCR Tests Unlikely To Have Been Infectious” – Journal of Infection

Arjun Walia

More on Domestic Terrorism: Who Will Be the Target?

Philip Giraldi

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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