From Mariana Viturro | National Domestic Workers Alliance <[email protected]>
Subject John, Senators need to hear from you today
Date June 25, 2021 9:15 PM
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National Domestic Workers Alliance


John — yesterday, thousands of workers, climate justice, housing, healthcare, and immigrant activists converged on the Capitol in Washington D.C. to raise awareness of the urgent needs of immigrants and essential workers and to let the nation know that now is the time for a recovery plan that works for ALL of US because #WeCantWait .

It was amazing to see our communities come together to show their power — and we want to be sure you are a part of it all.

Get inspired by some of the amazing moments at the rally:

#WeCantWait Rally and March [[link removed]]

#WeCantWait Rally and March [[link removed]]

Our domestic workers and staff joined the #WeCantWait rally and thousands of advocates to remind lawmakers and the Biden administration that an inclusive and equitable national recovery plan must put care at the center of our economy.

But our work doesn't stop here. Let's take the momentum and power from yesterday and transform it into action. John, call your Senators today and tell them #WeCantWait!

CALL 1-844-338-5033 →

While supporters like you were marching and sending letters to members of Congress yesterday, some important news was breaking. Majority Leader Schumer, Senators Casey, Wyden, Murray, Duckworth, Hassan and Brown and Representatives Dingell, Pallone, Schakowsky, and Matsui introduced new legislation to make historic investment in the care economy. This legislation, entitled the " Better Care Better Jobs Act ," would expand access to home- and community-based services to people with disabilities and older adults, create jobs and raise wages for care workers, and provide support to family caregivers. The introduction of the Better Care Better Jobs Act comes in the midst of bipartisan negotiations on the physical infrastructure plan. President Biden reiterated his commitment that robust recovery for families and the economy requires an investment in the physical infrastructure and the care infrastructure. The president's continued commitment and the introduction of the Better Care Better Jobs Act reflect the growing momentum to build the care infrastructure we need .

Congress has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform our economy to be inclusive and equitable as they set the stage for a bold economic recovery package . This economic recovery package must include the Better Care Better Jobs Act to build a robust care infrastructure and provide a pathway to citizenship to the millions of immigrant domestic workers and essential workers who keep our country running everyday.

That's where you come in: We need you to call your Senators today to tell them that they need to ACT NOW, BE BOLD, and pass economic recovery that works for ALL OF US because #WeCantWait.

CALL 1-844-338-5033 →

We can't thank you enough for joining our movement and helping us build an economy that centers care and that works for us all.

In solidarity,

Mariana Viturro, Deputy Director
National Domestic Workers Alliance


Thank you for being a dedicated supporter of the National Domestic Workers Alliance!

We're working day and night to win respect, recognition, and labor rights and protections for the more than 2.5 million nannies, house cleaners, and homecare workers.

Donate → [[link removed]]

The majority of domestic workers sit at the center of some of our nation’s most decisive issues because of who they are and what they do: they are women – mostly women of color, immigrants, mothers, and low-wage workers. They are impacted by almost every policy affecting the future of our economy, democracy and country.

Domestic workers can lead us toward a new, inclusive vision for the future for all of us -- and your grassroots support is the fuel that can get us there.

Donate → [[link removed]]


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This email was sent by the National Domestic Workers Alliance, the nation’s leading voice for dignity and fairness for the millions of domestic workers in the United States.

National Domestic Workers Alliance | 45 Broadway, Suite 320 | New York, NY 10006 | United States

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