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Infrastructure season continued during the month of June. With yesterday’s announcement of an agreement by President Biden and a bipartisan group of Senators on an infrastructure framework, the New Democrat Coalition (NDC) is encouraged by the progress being made towards a key pillar of our agenda to modernize our infrastructure, combat climate change, and create jobs. A bipartisan infrastructure package and additional legislation for further investments in other priorities is critical to building back better.
In the House, New Dems have been active in advancing endorsed infrastructure and climate change priorities. Earlier this month, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure included provisions from fourteen NDC-endorsed bills in the Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America (INVEST in America) Act, the committee’s bipartisan surface transportation reauthorization bill. These provisions build on the New Dem infrastructure priorities to build funding and financing to last; build resilient, innovative infrastructure for the future; and build with smart and inclusive planning, zoning, and development.
Earlier this week, the NDC endorsed our first slate of climate bills in the 117th Congress. These eleven endorsed bills align with Coalition’s goal to advance durable policy solutions to combat climate change and position the U.S. as a global leader in a climate-forward economy. The slate includes ten bills that the NDC endorsed in the 116th Congress and the methane Congressional Review Act resolution that passed the House today.
Lastly, New Dems are actively monitoring anti-trust legislation that was marked-up in the House Judiciary Committee. The NDC leadership last Friday called on Democratic House and Judiciary Committee Leadership to conduct full legislative hearings before proceeding directly to markup to ensure that the intended and unintended consequences of the bills were fully understood. The goal of the Committee—to promote more competition and fairness in the technology industry—is important but concerns of the impact of the bills warrant closer review. New Dems are focused on fostering innovation, opportunity, and inclusive economic growth, and will continue to engage on this issue.
More on what New Dems have been up to below.
New Dems Endorse Slate of Bills to Combat Climate Change ([link removed])
* The NDC endorsed its first slate of bills in the 117^th Congress to confront the threat of climate change. This slate builds on the Coalition’s work to advance an ambitious and actionable policy agenda to attain net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.
* As the House continues to develop legislation in response to the President’s American Jobs Plan, the NDC will push to advance durable policy solutions like these that leverage every technology and solution available to curb emissions and position the U.S. as the global leader in the climate-forward economy.
NDC Leadership Members Urge Leadership and House Judiciary to Hold Legislative Hearings on Upcoming Antitrust Legislation ([link removed])
* NDC Leadership Members, led by Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01) sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Hoyer, House Judiciary Committee Chair Nadler, and Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law Subcommittee Chair Cicilline requesting a full legislative hearing on the five antitrust bills to better understand the consequences of the legislation.
* The letter reads in part: “We agree it is long overdue for Congress to enact laws that protect consumer’s rights and personal information in our ever increasingly digital world. However, these are complex issues with far reaching implications. The complexity of this topic is highlighted by major ongoing antitrust litigation that could substantively impact the approach Congress should take on these topics. Legislation on topics as multifaceted and important as this one should be given the appropriate time and consideration.”
* Read the full letter here. ([link removed])
ICYMI: NDC Statement on the Path Forward for Infrastructure ([link removed])
* The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee passed the INVEST in America Act, which included multiple provisions based on fourteen NDC-endorsed bills. These endorsed bills align with the NDC’s priorities to build funding and financing to last, build resilient and innovative infrastructure for the future, and build with smart and inclusive planning, zoning, and development.
* Chair DelBene's statement said in part: "We should always pursue bipartisanship when possible, but inaction on infrastructure is not an option." "We are encouraged by the recent developments on a bipartisan infrastructure deal, and will work to ensure the final package reflects these priorities."
* Read highlights of the included NDC provisions here ([link removed]) .
New Dems Outline Infrastructure Priorities and Endorse Seventeen Bills ([link removed])
* The NDC endorsed seventeen bills to modernize our infrastructure, create jobs, and grow the economy. The Coalition, led by NDC Infrastructure Task Force Co-Chairs Carolyn Bourdeaux (GA-07) and Norma Torres (CA-35), and NDC Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01) and Vice Chair for Policy Scott Peters (CA-52) also sent a letter to Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chair Peter DeFazio and urged for the inclusion of NDC priorities in infrastructure packages.
* The letter reads in part: “As the House continues to develop a legislative package in response to the President’s American Jobs Plan, New Dems believe our infrastructure package must build funding and financing to last, build resilient, innovative infrastructure for the future, and build with smart and inclusive planning, zoning, and development.”
* See the full list of infrastructure bill endorsements here ([link removed](for%20release)_vF1.pdf) .
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Houlahan Speaks Up for Voting Rights ([link removed])
NDC Whip Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06) talks to Hallie Jackson at MSNBC about the urgent need to protect voting rights and preserve America’s democracy.
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Rep. Chrissy Houlahan Speaks Up for Voting Rights
Bill Action
Peters Resolution to Restore Obama-era Methane Rules Passes House ([link removed])
Today, the House of Representatives passed the NDC-endorsed ([link removed]) Resolution of Disapproval under the Congressional Review Act that provides significant wins for climate and U.S. industry. The resolution, introduced by NDC Vice Chair for Policy Scott Peters (CA-52), will reinstate two key Obama-era rules that set stronger regulations on methane pollution emitted by the nation's oil and gas industry. On its way to the president's desk to be signed into law, the resolution is arguably the most important action Congress has taken to address climate change in the last decade.
House Passes Kilmer, Strickland Bill to Bolster Puget Sound Restoration & Recovery Efforts ([link removed])
The House voted to pass the Promoting United Government Efforts to Save Our Sound (PUGET SOS) Act of 2021. The PUGET SOS Act, introduced by NDC Chair Emeritus Derek Kilmer (WA-06) and [INS: Rep. Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) ([link removed]) :INS] the Co-Chairs of the Puget Sound Recovery Caucus, would enhance the federal government’s role and investment in Puget Sound, the nation’s largest estuary by volume, which is vital to Washington state’s identity and economic engine. Watch [INS: Rep. Kilmer ([link removed]) :INS] and [INS: Rep. Strickland’s ([link removed]) :INS] floor remarks on the bill.
NDC Member Legislation
Phillips Introduces Bill to Reward Ethics, Sustainability, and Trust in Business ([link removed])
Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-03) introduced the HONEST Enterprises Act, a bill that would incentivize responsible corporate governance and reward businesses that excel at caring for their employees and making a difference in their communities. The bill was first proposed at the NDC’s inaugural Economic Policy Pitch Day ([link removed]) in 2019, where it received first prize.
Perlmutter Introduces Legislation to Create Jobs and Encourage Energy Efficiency in Housing ([link removed])
Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO-07) introduced the NDC-endorsed ([link removed]) Green Neighborhoods Act of 2021 to encourage greater energy efficiency and sustainability in the nation’s housing supply while creating new jobs in the green economy. The legislation would require the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to implement energy efficiency standards and incentives for new and existing housing structures.
DelBene and Pappas Introduce Legislation to Expand LGBTQ+ Representation at the VA ([link removed])
Rep. Suzan DelBene (WA-01) and Chris Pappas (NH-01) introduced the bicameral Voices for Veterans Act, which would require the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to include LGBTQ+ veteran representation in its Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans’ membership and scope. The legislation would expand the committee’s composition and reach to the LGBTQ+ veteran community, ensuring the committee's assessments and recommendations reflect the needs of this growing population.
Strickland Introduces the Enhancing Oversight to End Discrimination in Policing ([link removed])
Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) introduced the Enhancing Oversight to End Discrimination in Policing Act which would strengthen the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DOJ’s) and state governments' ability to investigate police departments with a pattern or practice of unconstitutional and discriminatory behavior.
Plaskett Introduces Bill to Improve Medicaid and Medicare in U.S. Territories ([link removed])
Rep. Stacey Plaskett (VI-AL) introduced legislation aimed at providing equitable treatment for U.S. Territories in federal health care programs like Medicaid and Medicare. The legislation would eliminate Medicaid funding limits imposed on the U.S. Territories, allow residents of U.S. Territories to be eligible for low-income subsidies under the Medicare prescription drug benefit, and permit Medicaid and Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital payments to U.S. Territories.
Fletcher Introduces REGROW Act to Clean Up Orphaned Wells ([link removed])
Rep. Lizzie Fletcher (TX-07) introduced the bipartisan Revive Economic Growth and Reclaim Orphaned Wells (REGROW) Act of 2021 to clean up orphaned oil and gas wells, which can leak methane, contaminate groundwater, and create safety risks for neighboring communities. There are more than 56,000 documented “orphaned” oil and gas wells across the country. The REGROW Act aims to plug every documented orphan well in the country by investing $4.6 billion toward cleaning up these sites, creating tens of thousands of energy jobs for skilled oil and gas workers.
Lawson Introduces Bill to Address Food Insecurity on College Campuses ([link removed])
Rep. Al Lawson (FL-05) introduced the bicameral Student Food Security Act to enable more low-income college students to access the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and push federal government, states, and colleges and universities to take a more proactive role in addressing student food insecurity.
Morelle Introduces Bill to Give Small Businesses the Right to Repair their Own Products ([link removed])
Rep. Joe Morelle (NY-25) introduced The Fair Repair Act which would give small businesses and consumers the right to repair their own products like cell phones and computers. The bill requires Original Equipment Manufacturers to make diagnostic and repair information, parts, and tools available to third-party repairers and owners in a timely manner and on fair and reasonable terms. This will help consumers and repair shops avoid unnecessary and costly delays, while also reducing waste.
NDC Member Action
Child Tax Credit (CTC) Awareness Day of Action ([link removed])
This week, New Dem Members participated in the CTC Awareness Day of Action. Earlier this year, the NDC endorsed NDC Chair Suzan DelBene’s proposal to permanently expand and enhance the CTC, and urged President Biden to include this priority as part of his build back better agenda. The NDC successfully secured a temporary expanded CTC in the American Rescue Plan, so that working families will receive this historic tax credit this year. Starting in July 2021, 39 million households will receive monthly support, setting up our children and families for future success. On the Day of Action, NDC Members highlighted families in their districts who will benefit from the credit and provided resources to encourage Americans to take steps to receive the payments.
* NDC Chair Rep. Suzan DelBene (WA-01) hosted a press ([link removed]) conference with WA families.
* Rep. Pete Aguilar (CA-31) hosted a CTC roundtable discussion. ([link removed])
* Rep. Brendan Boyle (PA-02) highlighted the CTC at a press conference ([link removed]) .
* Rep. Cheri Bustos (IL-17) hosted a CTC Q&A ([link removed]) .
* Rep. Steven Horsford (NV-04) held a conversation ([link removed]) with IRS and Make it Work Nevada to provide an overview of the CTC.
* NDC Whip Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06) held a telephone townhall panel ([link removed]) with local advocates
* Rep. Sara Jacobs (CA-53) held a conversation ([link removed]) about the importance of the CTC.
* Rep. Lucy McBath (GA-06) discussed ([link removed]) CTC eligibility requirements.
* NDC Leadership Member Brad Schneider (IL-10) hosted a roundtable discussion ([link removed]) on the CTC.
* Rep. Kim Schrier visited a local food bank ([link removed]) and hears about how the CTC will help child nutrition.
* Rep. Sean Casten (IL-06) and Rep. Bill Foster (IL-11) held a press conference ([link removed]) about the CTC together.
* Rep. Terri Sewell (AL-07) hosted a CTC Q&A ([link removed]) with constituents.
* Rep. Darren Soto (FL-09) visited the Salvation Army to speak with families ([link removed]) about the CTC.
Craig and Phillips Question the Small Business Administration (SBA) on status of COVID-19 Relief for Independent Venues ([link removed])
Reps. Angie Craig (MN-02) and Dean Phillips (MN-03) penned a letter to the SBA about the rollout of grant dollars for independent venues. The letter called on the SBA to improve a $16 billion program designed to help small event venues survive the Covid-19 pandemic.
(Rep. Craig poses for a picture on Friday, June 18, 2021 at the local Minnesota music venue The Garage)
Moulton, Costa Lead Letter for Dedicated High-Speed and High-Performance Rail Investment ([link removed])
NDC Infrastructure Task Force Member Seth Moulton (MA-06) and Rep. Jim Costa (CA-16) led a bicameral letter to Congressional Leadership to include dedicated high-speed and high-performance rail investment in the upcoming American Jobs Plan legislation. Additional NDC signatories include NDC Chair Suzan DelBene (WA-01) and Reps. Rick Larsen (WA-2), Joe Morelle (NY-25), Adam Smith (WA-09), and Marilyn Strickland (WA-10). The NDC endorsed ([link removed]) Rep. Moulton’s American High Speed Rail Act as part of the Coalition’s infrastructure priorities earlier this month.
Krishnamoorthi Pens an Op-Ed on Combatting Anti-Asian Hate Crimes ([link removed])
Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi (IL-08) calls for a stronger response to hate crimes against the Asian community in an op-ed for The Hill. He writes, “To provide us with the data we need to combat this surge in hate crimes while identifying the best policies to end it, I have reintroduced my legislation, the Hate Crimes Commission Act. This bipartisan bill...will establish a national commission of civil rights and law enforcement leaders to strengthen our understanding of the current trend of rising hate crimes by studying its causes and recommending the best course for preventing and combatting such harassment and attacks.”
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