From Carrie Hamilton <[email protected]>
Subject Youngkin ads are on TV already...
Date June 25, 2021 7:55 PM
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"And it’s significant that Youngkin has a head start . . . That gives Youngkin an advantage in the early going." - Washington Post 6/24/21


Normally, Virginians don’t see political ads for Governor until later in the summer. It’s only June but far-right GOP nominee Glenn Youngkin has already made a $2,000,000 statewide ad buy, showing that he’s willing to spend his fortune to buy this election.

Will you step up and help Virginia Democrats beat Glenn Youngkin?

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The Washington Post agreed, “Youngkin’s robust advertising reflects his campaign’s most fundamental strength.” With the amount of money Youngkin is willing to spend, the race could soon be his to lose.

That means we need to make up ground, and fast. If Glenn Youngkin wins in November, all of the progress we have made, from raising the minimum wage to implementing gun violence prevention measures and passing our own first-in-the-nation voting rights act, will be lost.

As you’re reading this, someone is likely watching a Youngkin ad - so we need to act fast. Will you pitch in to help us prove, once again, that Virginia is a Blue Commonwealth?

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Carrie Hamilton

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Paid for by the Democratic Party of Virginia, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Democratic Party of Virginia
PO Box 448
Richmond, VA 23218
United States

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