We will make this quick since we know you are busy, . We are only a few short days away fromĀ ourĀ most important fundraising deadline of the year.

We have been telling you for the past few months about all the attacks from Nancy Pelosi and her Socialist allies and so we wanted to make it very easy for you to chip in to support Beth today with your own personal link:

We are on the cusp of flipping the House and Pelosi will do anything she can to hold onto power, including spending $15 million AGAIN trying to defeat Beth.

We cannot FLIP THE HOUSE if we do not hold onto TX-24 next year and that means we MUST hit our goal for the middle of the year!

Can you step up in the next 60 MINUTES and chip in $24 to help keep TX-24 RED?

We have created your own personalized link so Beth knows you stepped up to help:

Only with your support will we FIRE PELOSI and FLIP THE HOUSE RED!

Team Van Duyne
Paid for by Beth Van Duyne for Congress