Just when we thought we had hit rock bottom when it comes to slow mail delivery times, DeJoy’s plan will make it worse.

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is in the midst of rolling out his proposed changes that will further slowdown USPS’s delivery times, reduce post office hours, and hike postage rates.

According to new analysis from the Washington Post, many communities will see average delivery times slow down by as much as a full day.

First-class mail sent from Maryland to a western state like California could take three days longer than usual to deliver.

This Trump-appointed conservative mega-donor has run the USPS into the ground for too long. It’s time to put an end to this.

Add your name to join me in calling for Louis DeJoy’s removal as Postmaster General. We need someone in charge of our mail service who understands the USPS’s essential role in delivering medicines, information and goods to millions of Americans. >>

Attempting to sabotage our mail in the midst of an election year and a pandemic should have been disqualifying enough for anyone. That’s why I called for his removal a long time ago.

To make matters even worse these harmful changes to our nation’s mail service come while DeJoy is reportedly under investigation by the FBI for an alleged illegal campaign contributions scheme.

There are now three recently-confirmed Biden-appointed Commissioners on the Post Office Board of Governors. It is time for the Board to vote to remove DeJoy and turn the page on the dysfunctional Trump era.

If you agree, add your name to join me in calling for Louis DeJoy to be removed as Postmaster General >>

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