From Sue Anne, <>
Subject Quick actions for you to take this midsummer
Date June 25, 2021 6:29 PM
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[ [link removed] ]MomsRising presents: 5Actions
Top #5Actions
of the Past Week
Friday, June 25, 2021

It’s officially summer, and we are working hard, despite the chaos of kids
out of school (again!), to make sure that Congress stays focused on the
priorities important to families like yours.

We have 5 quick actions for you to take this week to help support child
care, unemployment insurance, gun safety, and access to healthcare.

As always, thank you for all you do.

-- Sue Anne, Kristin, Diarra, Elyssa, Felicia, Nadia, and the rest of the
MomsRising / MamásConPoder Team

[ [link removed] ]whpa_petition_2021

Support the Women’s Health Protection Act!

Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> [ [link removed] ]Sign Now

The Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) will protect the right to access
abortion care throughout the U.S. by safeguarding access against harsh
bans and medically unnecessary restrictions, hundreds of which have been
passed in recent years by anti-abortion state lawmakers. Anyone who needs
an abortion in the United States, deserves quality, affordable medical
care, and a relationship with their health care provider that is free from
government intrusion. The WHPA protects these rights: Equal access to
abortion, everywhere for everyone.

Urge your lawmaker to support the WHPA today!

[ [link removed] ]Add your name to our petition in support of the Women’s Health
Protection Act!

[ [link removed] ]Caretaking_Stories

We want to hear from you about your caregiving struggles!

Your Action Status: NOT YET SUBMITTED ->
[ [link removed] ]Submit Now

We know that many moms and caregivers around the country are still
struggling with the fall out of the pandemic. Parents are struggling to
make ends meet and are unable to return to work full-time because they
don't have dependable child care or access to paid family and medical
leave. Right now it's super important that MomsRising and our elected
leaders in Congress hear from YOU about what you are going through! We
need your stories to put pressure on our elected leaders to quickly pass
child care, paid leave, and other policies that support moms and families.

Let us know if you or a family member:

* Are unable to find affordable, quality child care in your area? Have
you been forced out of the workforce because of lack of child care?
* Are you struggling to find affordable, reliable child care during the
summer months?
* Have you needed paid family medical leave because of a sick family
member or new child and have been unable to access any? Have you been
able to access paid leave and/or paid sick days through the new
emergency pandemic paid leave law?

[ [link removed] ]There’s no time to waste! Share with us your caregiving struggles and
we will share your stories with your members of Congress. (Note: You can
share your story anonymously.)

[ [link removed] ]confirmDavidChipman

Tell the U.S. Senate to confirm David Chipman as ATF director

Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED ->
[ [link removed] ]Sign Now

The director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
(ATF) is the chief enforcement officer of our federal gun safety laws, but
the United States hasn’t had a confirmed ATF director since 2015 -- six
years! Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, mass shootings have
doubled, white supremacist militias have been emboldened, and gun violence
has also surged. Experts are worried that things will only get worse. We
just can’t afford the leadership vacuum at ATF any longer.

David Chipman is the leader we need at ATF. He’s served in non-profit
organizations and for 25 years at the agency, with wide-ranging experience
ranging from monitoring firearms trafficking to investigating terrorist
attacks. After retiring from ATF, he became a senior policy adviser at
Giffords, the gun violence prevention group founded by former
congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. Not only does Chipman know how ATF
should work, he is a true champion of gun safety.

The U.S. Senate must confirm David Chipman as ATF director.

[ [link removed] ]Tell your senators to confirm David Chipman as ATF director now!

[ [link removed] ]childcare-infrastructure

Tell Congress: Families need child care!

Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED ->
[ [link removed] ]Sign Now

Though our country is seemingly on the road to pandemic recovery, parents
are still searching for child care this summer so they can work and are
still worried about health and safety since younger kids are not
vaccinated. Our legislators must prioritize building a care infrastructure
ASAP, something our nation needed long before the pandemic and still very
much needs today.

Momentum is building: Congress is FINALLY poised to take much-needed
action on child care, but we need to send in as many messages as possible
to make sure that these policies don’t get overlooked in the final
national recovery and infrastructure legislation.

Join us in telling Congress: It’s past time to build a real child care

[ [link removed] ]Do you want affordable child care for all? Sign now to urge Congress
to build a care infrastructure!

[ [link removed] ]congress_coverage_gap

Quick signature: Tell Congress to close the health coverage gap!

Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED ->
[ [link removed] ]Sign Now

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown how important it is for people to have
health care coverage, especially in communities where large health
disparities have long been present. However, the fight against expanding
health coverage is still alive and well in over a dozen states as their
legislatures refuse to adopt (or in some cases implement) the expansion of
health care to low-income uninsured adults. These twelve non-expansion
states are primarily in the South, where the majority of uninsured people
are Black, Hispanic, or Asian. We need a federal solution to help get
health coverage to the more than two million people in the Medicaid
coverage gap who live in these non-expansion states.

[ [link removed] ]Quick signature: Tell Congress to close the coverage gap for people in
states that refuse to expand Medicaid!

P.S.– This content is also on the [ [link removed] ]MomsRising blog!

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