
Welcome to our new NJDSC Weekly Update email, where we will touch on some of the most important things happening in the Democratic Party here in New Jersey and nationwide. Before we get into the news, here’s one big way you can help elect Democrats in our state -- join the Forward 2021 Intro to Digital Organizing online session this weekend! It’s a perfect opportunity to learn how to get involved in this year’s campaign and make a difference. 

Header: Gov. Murphy Update 

A new poll from Fairleigh Dickinson University shows Governor Murphy holding a 15 point lead in the General Election against Republican Jack Ciattarelli, who continues struggling to break through with voters. The poll is the second major public survey showing the Governor with a significant lead, with strong majorities of New Jerseyans approving of his handling of major issues like COVID-19 recovery and fighting for the middle class and working families. 

The State Senate and General Assembly each passed the Fiscal Year 2022 State Budget this week, which now heads to the Governor’s desk to be signed before the July 1 deadline. This historic budget makes major investments in the middle class, from increasing property tax relief programs like the Homestead Rebate, to providing direct cash assistance to residents, to making a $2.5 billion payment into the state pension system, the largest amount in decades. 

Header: President Biden Update

President Biden announced a breakthrough bipartisan compromise that will invest over $1.2 billion in infrastructure projects throughout the nation over the next eight years, giving another boost to our economy as the nation recovers from COVID-19. This is another signature victory for the President and more proof that his leadership is bringing people together for progress. 

Thank you,

-- NJDSC Team


Paid for by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.

New Jersey Democratic State Committee
194-196 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
United States

