Rick is right: we cannot take this election for granted.

In spite of all of our hard work over the last few years, it all could be undone if Republicans win just five seats in 2022.

And I'll be blunt: That fight may be coming right here to Northwest Washington.

Right now, before the Census numbers are released and the independent commission draws the new maps, we cannot sit back and wait. We must prepare our grassroots campaign today to be ready to compete in 2022.

Read Rick's note below, and then please chip in $3 to help break Rick's critical goal of 1200 donations by Wednesday at midnight.

Delaney Hewitt

Team Larsen

Express Donate:

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

$5 $15 $25 $50

Forwarded Message



The upcoming election is perhaps the most uncertain one we have seen in years.

Not only will we be facing a midterm after electing a Democratic president (which, historically, means the party in power loses seats in Congress), but new district lines nationwide mean we could face a much more competitive election year.

Republicans are going to be relying on their dark money and deep-pocketed friends to give them the edge they need to not only take back Congress, but throw the brakes on everything we have been trying to accomplish.

That is why it is so urgent we get a head start. So far, we are at 1140 donations in 2021. Will you chip in and help us break our goal of 1200 grassroots donations by June 30?

In spite of our historic organizing efforts in 2020, Democrats still lost a few seats in the House. While we still have the majority, Republicans took one step toward taking back the chamber.

If Republicans win just five more seats in 2022, it would be a disaster for our priorities.

We cannot let that happen.

Please make a donation of $16 today, as we stand together to defend and expand our Democratic majority in Congress in 2022.
