The Supreme Court delivers a victory for property rights in Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid

The Supreme Court this week issued a victory for property owners with its decision in Cedar Point Nursery v. Hassid.

The 6-3 decision affirmed that the government cannot force people to allow third parties to trespass on their property, meaning California’s union access regulation is effectively an unconstitutional property taking.

The win vindicates the property rights of Mike Fahner, owner of Cedar Point Nursery, and set lasting precedent for all Americans.

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The Hill: Yes, we should follow the science, but who should make the decisions?

“Follow the science” has been a frequent refrain throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. And who can disagree with that simple slogan? After all, science is perhaps our best tool for understanding and combating insidious threats like viruses.

Glenn Roper tells us that science may be a powerful tool, but it cannot answer crucial public policy questions, including who should be responsible for science-based policy decisions.

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The Detroit News: Michigan can learn from emergency powers battles in other states

The pandemic is subsiding in America. Masks are coming off. People are gathering. There is light at the end of the tunnel. But in a few states, including Michigan, governors are still fighting tooth and nail to keep their emergency powers.

Daniel Dew and Kathy Hoekstra explain that while there is a time and place for emergency powers, the legislature needs to place safeguards on those powers to preserve individual liberty.

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Malibu family fined $4.2 million over disputed beachfront gate

When Warren and Henny Lent bought their Malibu beach house in 2002, it was the realization of a lifelong goal and a dream come true.

It was “a dream come true which lasted about two months,” Lent says.

As our friends at Reason write, the Lents’ dream ended when it collided with one of the most powerful agencies in the state: the California Coastal Commission.

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