

Three thousand forty-four students did not graduate this year because they were killed by gun violence.

The parents of Joaquin Oliver, who was killed in the 2018 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, set up 3,044 chairs to represent all of these lost students. They then invited David Keene, a former NRA president and current board member, and John Lott, a pro-gun author, to speak at the commencement of the 2021 graduating class of James Madison Academy -- a fake school.

Not realizing that the school was fake and the chairs represented the "lost class," both men traveled to Las Vegas, Nevada, and rehearsed speeches, congratulating the deceased seniors for reaching a new stage in life, encouraging them to achieve their dreams, and predicting bright futures ahead for them.

These three powerful videos demonstrate the need for better gun laws, including legislation that Keene and Lott have fought against, such as universal background checks. The videos include the chilling audio from 911 calls and may be difficult for some people to hear. 

[VIDEO] The Lost Class 1/3

[VIDEO] The Lost Class 2/3

[VIDEO] The Lost Class 3/3

Because of people like Keene and Lott, the NRA, and the policies they support, 3,044 students will never reach the next stage in life or achieve their dreams. They have no future ahead of them.

We will never accept this as normal or acceptable.

That's exactly why we will never stop pushing for lifesaving policies and practices. Our elected officials have the power to protect our young people, and we will continue our unrelenting activism until they do.

For our youth,


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