Mouse has really changed.
Give abused and neglected farm animals a second chance at better lives
Dear John,
When you look at these “before” and “after” photos of Mouse, you might have a hard time believing that they show the same animal.
In many ways, Mouse isn’t the same. When we first met Mouse, this resilient pig was trapped in a filthy barn stall. He had no water or access to the outdoors—and his owner, a backyard butcher in New York’s Hudson Valley, planned to slaughter Mouse for meat. To make matters worse, Mouse’s right rear leg was withered and unusable as a result of an untreated injury.
But—thanks to your love and caring support—Farm Sanctuary got right to work to get Mouse back on his feet!
Fast forward nearly six years and Mouse is now a totally different animal from the one we first met. It has been so beautiful to watch this scared, emaciated boy blossom into a bright, happy, and charming pig who loves his human friends and enjoys a good belly rub.
Mouse’s story shows the transformative power of Sanctuary—and the difference you can make by joining Farm Sanctuary! Will you make a generous gift today to give more abused and neglected farm animals lives free from harm and all of the love and care they were once denied?
Mouse needed multiple surgeries to straighten and lengthen his injured leg and remove his damaged hoof. Then our caregivers supported him through weeks of physical therapy to help him relearn to walk.
It was hard work, but Mouse knew he was safe and loved, and he remained in great spirits throughout his recovery.
Today, Mouse is living proof of how we are changing farm animals’ lives—and I hope he will inspire you to help more animals escape exploitation and experience the peace and freedom of Sanctuary by joining Farm Sanctuary with a special gift today.
As a member of Farm Sanctuary, you will receive exclusive benefits like:
- A FREE subscription to our Sanctuary magazine.
- EARLY ACCESS to cabin and tiny house accommodations at our New York shelter (early booking for members opens July 9-13).
- OPPORTUNITIES to take action and speak out for farm animals.
- SPECIAL ALERTS with breaking news about legislation regarding farm animals.
- UPDATES on urgent rescues, and more!
And, most importantly, you will help us ensure that Mouse and our nearly 1,000 other shelter residents have bright futures ahead at Farm Sanctuary, with their suffering all in the past.
For 35 years, compassionate friends like you have made Farm Sanctuary a place of healing and joy for thousands of rescued farm animals. On our green, spacious pastures and in our clean, warm barns, animals like Mouse who once knew nothing but cruelty, pain, and loss can find lives filled with love and hope.
And, with your continued support for everything we do, we can provide for Mouse’s ongoing care and make even more life-changing transformations happen!
Please give more animals a second chance at their best possible lives by joining Farm Sanctuary. Your generous gift today will support all of Farm Sanctuary’s lifesaving rescue, shelter, education, and advocacy work for farm animals everywhere.
Yours in compassion,
Gene Baur President and Co-founder
P.S. Our members make Farm Sanctuary a place where transformations happen for animals like Mouse. Please help more sick, injured, and traumatized farm animals find happiness and healing by making your gift of love and care today. Thank you so much.
P.P.S. If you see a farm animal in need of rescue, or believe farm animal cruelty is occurring in your community, please contact us immediately at 607-583-2225 ext. 223. Your call could save an animal’s life!
Farm Sanctuary | PO Box 150, Watkins Glen, NY 14891 | 607-583-2225 Farm Sanctuary's financial report and state registration information.
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