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Friday, June 25th, 2021

Oblique Admission: The Current Vaccines Will Not Protect Against Covid-19

Vasko Kohlmayer

The Spike Protein Is the Killer – Beware of mRNA ‘Vaccines’

Peter Koenig

Can Economics Save Medicine?

Jeff Deist

CBS 62 Insider Goes Public Exposing Network’s Forced Vaccination Rhetoric and Bias

Alexandra Bruce

‘Rules-Based International Order’ Means Washington-Based International Order

Caitlin Johnstone

Money Takes Precedence Over Public Health and Civil Liberty

Paul Craig Roberts

Freedom vs. The Machine; Geneticists and Their Weapons

Jon Rappoport

The De Gaulle-Johnson Intervention To Break the Empire [Part One]

Matthew J.L. Ehret

It Always Ends the Same Way: Crisis, Crash, Collapse

Charles Hugh Smith

Meatball Subs, Not Nuclear Subs Or How To Deliver 16,128 Hiroshimas

Frida Berrigan

Inflation, Asset and Consumer Prices

Alasdair Macleod

Scientists Worry Next Flu Season Will Be a Disaster

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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