Getting all 50 Senate Democrats to vote to begin debate on protecting democracy was a major victory. Now, we face an intense summer of activism urging Democrats to reform the filibuster and get the job done.

And no. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are not the only Dems we have to engage. The PBS News Hour reports that "To end or change the filibuster, Democrats need 50 votes. But by our count, they don’t yet have half of that number firmly ready to roll back the procedure."

In addition to Manchin and Sinema, PBS identified 2 other Senate Dems that as of yesterday were undecided or hadn't announced where they stand, 22 more that are "open to" reforming the filibuster, and only 24 that are a solid "yes" on reform.

Meanwhile, there's an August deadline so states can implement democracy protections by 2022 -- so we have a very intense summer ahead of us. Our activism will span Joe Manchin's state of West Virginia and all across the country. Failure is not an option.

Can you chip in $3 or more so we can organize in West Virginia and nationally, engage key senators, defeat Mitch McConnell, and REFORM THE FILIBUSTER so American democracy can survive? Please chip in here.

If you haven't already, join the grassroots army to reform the filibuster here.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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